3rd October 2020

CISSBURY RING: YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER in scrub by northern parking area briefly early afternoon. Dan and Mike Booker. Also two Spotted Flycatchers. David Campbell

GORING GAP: I clocked a first-winter Caspian Gull in the southeastern field late morning. It flew off and was replaced by a first-winter Yellow-legged Gull. A Knot on the beach was notable and overhead there was a Golden Plover, a Yellow Wagtail, 87 Siskins, a redpoll, four Grey Wagtails and 65 Meadow Pipits. Two Wheatears and five Stonechats were on the ground and just off the beach was a flock of six Teal with two Wigeon. A flock of 13 Dark-bellied Brent Geese flew west at distance. Further waders included three Sanderlings, eight Dunlin, 24 Ringed Plovers, 33 Turnstones and three Oystercatchers. An adult Sandwich Tern was also on the beach, with five Little Egrets. A Sparrowhawk and a juvenile Kestrel toured the fields. 45 Swallows and 40 House Martins flew through and two Goldcrests were heard in the bushes. David Campbell


WIDEWATER LAGOON: MANDARIN still, Red-breasted Merganser, two Kingfishers, five Little Grebes, two Little Egrets. Gareth James