January 31st 2019
GORING GAP : A bitterly cold morning meant that just a brief look offshore was carried out this morning, there was plenty happening offshore but most of the birds were very distant with feeding frenzy's of Gannets, gulls and auks happening which amassed to many hundreds of birds, there was still good number of Great-crested Grebes on the sea with smaller number of Red-breasted Mergansers around. A Fulmar flew past east quite close inshore as did a single Red-throated Diver, 2 1st winter Greater black-backed Gulls were on the roost fields and the usual number of Med Gulls/Skylarks and waders were around NB/GJ
January 29th 2019
GORING GAP: Yet another 1st-winter Caspian Gull was found in the roost field early afternoon by GDM. This is the second bird recorded at Goring Gap this year with the previous being on 11th January and is the 5th record since 12th December 2018. This bird today marks the 7th record in under a year, making Goring Gap the number one West Sussex site to connect with this species. GDM/NB/GJ
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1st-winter Caspian Gull, Goring Gap GJ |
January 28th 2019
GORING GAP : The Snow Bunting was still present today for its 11th day, pretty remarkable considering how disturbed its regular feeding areas are along this coastline...long may she stay and delight any visitors GJ
FERRING RIFE : A stroll up the Rife this morning produced three Teal, a Water Rail (showing well just north of the road bridge near the Country Centre), a Little Grebe, a Grey Heron , a Kestrel, three Redwing's by the south 'lagoon', still at least four Chiffchaffs at the north end feeding along the banks, a SongThrush, and numerous Robins , Great Tits, Goldfinches, House Sparrows etc CH
FERRING RIFE : A stroll up the Rife this morning produced three Teal, a Water Rail (showing well just north of the road bridge near the Country Centre), a Little Grebe, a Grey Heron , a Kestrel, three Redwing's by the south 'lagoon', still at least four Chiffchaffs at the north end feeding along the banks, a SongThrush, and numerous Robins , Great Tits, Goldfinches, House Sparrows etc CH
January 26th/27th 2019
GORING GAP : Despite the lack of reporting on the national birdnews services, the Snow Bunting was still being enjoyed by visitors in its prolonged stay, a brief visit by myself (27th) produced 4 Mediterranean Gulls and 5 Greater-black-backed Gulls on the fields with Common Gull numbers increasing in the roost field again. A few Sanderling were on the beach whilst Ringed Plover and Dunlin took shelter from the weekend crowds in the roost fields, 8 Skylark were counted too NB
SALVINGTON : Taking part in the RSPB big garden birdwatch, the regular male Blackcap was joined by a female today, can only presume it is the same bird that was seen just before xmas, I am currently spiking apples and pears onto my feeding station tree and the Blackcap loves the bounty and is now seen more regulary although becoming territorial NB
SALVINGTON : Taking part in the RSPB big garden birdwatch, the regular male Blackcap was joined by a female today, can only presume it is the same bird that was seen just before xmas, I am currently spiking apples and pears onto my feeding station tree and the Blackcap loves the bounty and is now seen more regulary although becoming territorial NB
Blackcap - male and female - overwintering in the Salvington area of Worthing - NB
January 25th 2019
GORING GAP : The Snow Bunting continued to show at the gap but was ranging further westwards as the afternoon went on. Quite a few waders on the fields including good number of Ringed Plover and Dunlin, but no Grey Plover (where do they go to)? A few Mediterranean Gulls were still around and 12 Brents were seen moving west offshore, maybe deciding it was too early to leave and stay a while longer! 3 Red-throated Divers and a few Gannet offshore were also noteworthy. The wintering Stonechat was in the rough field NB/GDM
Snow Bunting - still performing well - NB
Brent Geese - moving offshore - NB
Skylark - NB
Pied Wagtail - NB
January 24th 2019
GORING GAP : The Snow Bunting was still present and attracting birders and photographers to the gap, again performing well just east of the orange boat and appeared to be spending more time on the beach whilst i was present, on the sea c200 Great- crested Grebes were counted, whilst several Sanderling, Ringed Plover and Dunlin were between the beach and roost fields. There was upto 10 Med Gulls in the area. Checking the plantation, there was at least a dozen Chaffinch present along with 6 Greenfinch and c30 Goldfinch. A Goldcrest was in the middle plantation amongst good number of Great and Blue Tits and smaller number of Long tailed Tits. 2 Jay and a pair of Greater spotted Woodpecker were around too and heading back to the car a Fieldfare flew over and headed north, briefly perched in a nearby tree. The wintering Stonechat was still present in the rough field NB/GDM
Fieldfare - record shot of the bird at the gap - NB
A few Snow Bunting admirers - been a popular bird - NB
January 23rd 2019
GORING GAP continued to accommodate our popular 2CY female Snow Bunting. Offshore were 320 Great Crested Grebes but only 20 Red-breasted Mergansers. Many of the grebes were feeding very close inshore on the ebbing tide, perhaps enjoying morsels washed off the beach. Further out, a pair displayed. Five Dark-bellied Brent Geese (seemingly the first spring migrants of the year) and a Curlew flew east, two Wigeon went west and other birds offshore included two Kittiwakes, seven Red-throated Divers, three Gannets and a small handful of Razorbills. 19 Oystercatchers and three Ringed Plovers - the latter particularly sporasic among the waders this year - were among the usual suspects on the beach, along with two adult Mediterranean Gulls. A Goldcrest called from gardens near The Plantation. DKC
January 22nd 2019
GORING GAP: The 2CY Snow Bunting was still showing well on the beach this morning, while three Reed Buntings were a nice bonus by the blocked road. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls were in the roost field. The usual waders on the beach included 120 Dunlin, while the sea offered a Dark-bellied Brent Goose, three Red-throated Divers, five Red-breasted Mergansers, 15 Great Crested Grebes, 21 auks, four Kittiwakes and four Gannets. DKC
In the afternoon the Snow Bunting was still performing well, a Treecreeper in the lower plantation was also noteworthy NB
In the afternoon the Snow Bunting was still performing well, a Treecreeper in the lower plantation was also noteworthy NB
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2CY female Snow Bunting DKC |
January 21st 2019
FERRING RIFE had two Snipe, a Chiffchaff, a Grey Heron and a site mega in the form of a quite showy Cetti's Warbler! DKC
January 18th 2019
GORING GAP : The Snow Bunting was still present and was attracting a small trickle of birders and photographers as the day went on, the bird was feeding further east today feeding along the coastal footpath just east of the orange boat. This stretch of coastline gets busy with dog walkers/cyclists/joggers etc so the bird occasionally gets flushed but does not go far and happily returns to feed so with patience the bird will perform well for any wishing to visit. There was also a few Gannet offshore and several auks moved through distantly west. There were the usual fare of waders around on the beach at low tide including Sanderling, Grey and Ringed Plovers and Dunlin, whilst several Mediterranean Gulls were between the fields and beach. Skylark and good number of Pied Wagtails were also around the surrounding fields. 34 Cormorant moving west over the shoreline in one flock was also noteworthy NB
Snow Bunting - Goring Gap - NB
January 17th 2019
GORING GAP : More quality at the gap when visiting birder Ray Baker found a Snow Bunting on the beach at the western end. The bird was faithful to the coastal path near the large black litter bin, ocassionally flushed by walkers and dogs and flying the short distance down to the rocks, before heading back the favoured feeding area. This bird was certainly more obliging than the December bird that was here. Thanks to Ray for finding the bird and to Gareth for getting the news out quickly
Snow Bunting - Goring Gap - NB
January 15th 2019
GORING GAP : The Slavonian Grebe again offshore, also Red-throated Diver, 8 Mediterranean Gulls (5 adults, 1x 2nd winter, 2x 2nd winter) GDM. An hour seawatch in the morning produced two Red-throated Divers, 25 Gannets, over 100 Kittiwakes, three Common Gulls, 648 auks (mostly Razorbills, one Guillemot identified) and two Wigeon, as well as uncounted Red-breasted Mergansers and Great Crested Grebes on the sea. The female Stonechat was still in the rough area DKC
BROOKLANDS PARK : a nice Firecrest was in the northern part of the park with a Coal Tit, Green and Great spotted Woodpecker. Around the lake no unusual gulls with only 10 Teal a single Pochard and a Grey Heron noted. 4 Chiffchaff were counted. Offshore 2 Red-breasted Merganser and 8 Great crested Grebe plus a few Auks. Nearby at Widewater offshore; Red throated Diver, 5 Guillemot,2 Razorbill . The 2 Velvet Scoter were a fair way out towards the west BFF
SALVINGTON : A nice Chiffchaff was a new bird for the garden this year, the male Blackcap still making regular visits to the spiked fruit in my garden tree NB
BROOKLANDS PARK : a nice Firecrest was in the northern part of the park with a Coal Tit, Green and Great spotted Woodpecker. Around the lake no unusual gulls with only 10 Teal a single Pochard and a Grey Heron noted. 4 Chiffchaff were counted. Offshore 2 Red-breasted Merganser and 8 Great crested Grebe plus a few Auks. Nearby at Widewater offshore; Red throated Diver, 5 Guillemot,2 Razorbill . The 2 Velvet Scoter were a fair way out towards the west BFF
SALVINGTON : A nice Chiffchaff was a new bird for the garden this year, the male Blackcap still making regular visits to the spiked fruit in my garden tree NB
Chiffchaff - Salvington - NB
January 12th 2019
GORING GAP : Finished the day with 6 Med Gulls, 260 Common Gulls, 20 Sanderling, 10 Ringed Plover, 10 Dunlin, 80 Grey Plovers and 8 Skylarks. Offshore: 220 Great - crested Grebes, 1 Black Throated Diver, 1 Red Throated Diver, 11 Oystercatchers Richard (@Charmouthbirder)
A Moorhen was seen in he fields near the pumping station GDM
BROOKLANDS PARK : 2 Chiffchaff showing well. 10 Teal. Couldn’t find Med Gulls which had been reported earlier. Otherwise plenty of Herring Gulls and Black-headed Gulls bathing Richard (@Charmouthbirder)
SALVINGTON : The male Blackcap appears to be settled and overwintering in gardens surrounding Selden rec, now favouring the apples and pears spiked on the tree, originally seen pre-xmas, the bird re-appeared on the 10th January and now being seen daily, 2 Coal Tits have now found the feeding station, new bird for the garden NB
A Moorhen was seen in he fields near the pumping station GDM
BROOKLANDS PARK : 2 Chiffchaff showing well. 10 Teal. Couldn’t find Med Gulls which had been reported earlier. Otherwise plenty of Herring Gulls and Black-headed Gulls bathing Richard (@Charmouthbirder)
SALVINGTON : The male Blackcap appears to be settled and overwintering in gardens surrounding Selden rec, now favouring the apples and pears spiked on the tree, originally seen pre-xmas, the bird re-appeared on the 10th January and now being seen daily, 2 Coal Tits have now found the feeding station, new bird for the garden NB
Blackcap - Salvington - NB
January 11th 2019
GORING GAP : Another 1st winter Caspian Gull was found in the roost field just after lunchtime by GDM, this bird remained fairly settled allowing several observers to connect the first for 2019 here and the 6th record since March 2018, certainly placing this site as the place to find this species in West Sussex. NB/GJ/DKC/GDM
Caspian Gull - 1st winter - GJ
January 10th 2019
GORING GAP: With a NNW wind and a very low early morning tide, I thought after a swift scan we'd be cutting our losses and moving elsewhere. Pleasingly, though, the sea was rather busy, with a Slavonian Grebe and a Great Northern Diver the clear highlights, along with three Common Scoters, three Mute Swans, 128 Great Crested Grebes, 58 Red-breasted Mergansers, 42 Gannets, three Red-throated Divers, six Razorbills and 52 auks. Seven Mediterranean Gulls patrolled the beach, where Sanderlings, Dunlin, Oystercatchers, Grey Plovers and Turnstones were feeding as usual. A Goldcrest called at the seaward end of The Plantation. DKC/P.Wallace
January 9th 2019
There were lots of Red-breasted Mergansers and Great Crested Grebes offshore but searching for birds on the sea was not easy due to how choppy the sea was. Singles of Little Egret and Curlew were also noted flying West. It wasn't until I panned my scope back round to the left towards Worthing Pier I picked up sitting on the sea, much to my amazement a lone Canada Goose. I watched this bird for several minutes as it swam towards the beach and just before it hit the beach it flew up and over the greensward before landing in the roost field at 12:35. I watched this rare visitor to Goring Gap in the roost field for quite a while where it seemed settled and was happily feeding. I was joined for a short period of time by Garry who was surprised as me to see the Canada Goose in the field. A completely unexpected patch tick!
Also in the roost field was Black-headed, Common, Herring and Mediterranean Gulls as well as a few Dunlin and Sanderling.
Feeling motivated after finding the Canada Goose, I had a quick stroll around the plantation and football pitches. Where I noted several Blue Tits, Goldfinches and Robins as well as 2 Greenfinches. GJ
Also in the roost field was Black-headed, Common, Herring and Mediterranean Gulls as well as a few Dunlin and Sanderling.
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Canada Goose - Goring Gap |
Feeling motivated after finding the Canada Goose, I had a quick stroll around the plantation and football pitches. Where I noted several Blue Tits, Goldfinches and Robins as well as 2 Greenfinches. GJ
January 6th/7th 2019
January 7th
GORING GAP : A quick lunchtime visit produced a single Slavonian Grebe on the sea opposite the western most field and drifted west. Still good number of Great-crested Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea and several Gannet drifted through. A few Mediterranean Gulls were on the roost fields with 7 Skylark tucked away in the south west corner otherwise it was quiet NB
January 6th
GORING GAP : Plenty of birds were on the sea this morning, including minimum counts of 40 Red-breasted Mergansers and 47 Great Crested Grebes. 2 Slavonian Grebes were fairly close in off the eastern end, moving west when a small dinghy appeared from the east. The Slavs were sticking close together and were displaying for a short while. A Red-necked Grebe was a bit further out but unfortunately drifted even further out when the dinghy approached. Other birds on the sea included 4 Red-throated Divers, 3 Razorbills and 3 Wigeon. Birds moving were Little Egret 1E, Gannet 5E 4W, Brent Goose 2W 7E and Kittiwake 1E. Waders on the beach on the rising tide were 32 Grey Plovers, 17 Sanderlings, 22 Turnstones, 7 Oystercatchers, 24 Dunlin, only 4 Ringed Plovers and a Redshank. In the western field were 6 Mediterranean Gulls and 7 Skylarks RS
A female Stonechat was also around GDM
7 Red Kites and a single Raven GJ
2 Velvet Scoter on sea to the east although distant - probably the same birds seen off Widewater recently SS
GORING GAP : A quick lunchtime visit produced a single Slavonian Grebe on the sea opposite the western most field and drifted west. Still good number of Great-crested Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea and several Gannet drifted through. A few Mediterranean Gulls were on the roost fields with 7 Skylark tucked away in the south west corner otherwise it was quiet NB
January 6th
GORING GAP : Plenty of birds were on the sea this morning, including minimum counts of 40 Red-breasted Mergansers and 47 Great Crested Grebes. 2 Slavonian Grebes were fairly close in off the eastern end, moving west when a small dinghy appeared from the east. The Slavs were sticking close together and were displaying for a short while. A Red-necked Grebe was a bit further out but unfortunately drifted even further out when the dinghy approached. Other birds on the sea included 4 Red-throated Divers, 3 Razorbills and 3 Wigeon. Birds moving were Little Egret 1E, Gannet 5E 4W, Brent Goose 2W 7E and Kittiwake 1E. Waders on the beach on the rising tide were 32 Grey Plovers, 17 Sanderlings, 22 Turnstones, 7 Oystercatchers, 24 Dunlin, only 4 Ringed Plovers and a Redshank. In the western field were 6 Mediterranean Gulls and 7 Skylarks RS
A female Stonechat was also around GDM
7 Red Kites and a single Raven GJ
2 Velvet Scoter on sea to the east although distant - probably the same birds seen off Widewater recently SS
January 3rd/4th 2019
January 4th
GORING GAP : 2 Slavonian Grebes found on the sea off the concrete platform GJ
January 3rd
GORING GAP : Another look at the sea this a.m. perfect counting conditions - sea flat and overcast sky. 80 Great-crested Grebes, 45 Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Red-throated Divers, 2 Guillemots all on the sea. 3 Brent Goose and 3 Common Scoter flew E and 100 + Auks very distantly W CH
GORING GAP : 2 Slavonian Grebes found on the sea off the concrete platform GJ
January 3rd
GORING GAP : Another look at the sea this a.m. perfect counting conditions - sea flat and overcast sky. 80 Great-crested Grebes, 45 Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Red-throated Divers, 2 Guillemots all on the sea. 3 Brent Goose and 3 Common Scoter flew E and 100 + Auks very distantly W CH
January 2nd 2019
GORING GAP : Managed to get just some time down the gap this morning from 10.15am - 11.30am, concentrated mainly on the sea, which was flat calm and conditions clear albeit rather chilly. A Redshank was on the beach and upto 14 Mediterranean Gulls were in the fields including 2 2nd winters. 2 Shelduck flew west as did a Brent Goose, good number of Red-breasted Mergansers and Great-crested Grebes were still on the sea, Gannets were lingering in small numbers, a Red-throated Diver flew east and 2 single sightings of Black-throated Divers flying west, a fourth diver went through east thought likely to be another Black-throated but was too distant to confidently call. Waders were confined to the beach and all slowly arrived in the area from the west, 68 Sanderling, 79 Turnstone, 22 Grey Plover, 4 Oystercatchers and a single Dunlin were logged. Other sightings included a couple of Razorbills, 7 Skylarks in the fields and a Jay near the middle plantation NB/JD/RI
Mediterranean Gull - some summer plumage moult coming through on this adult bird - NB
Mediterranean Gull - 1 of the 2 2nd winter birds - NB
Pied Wagtail - NB
Redshank - NB
January 1st 2019
Where else to start the year but GORING GAP? I only gave it the first 45 minutes of the day, though, as it was clearly quieter than yesterday. Smaller numbers of Great Crested Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea, while a Wigeon, four Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 35 Gannets, three Razorbills, two Red-throated Divers and seven auks were also noted offshore. Sanderling, Dunlin, Oystercatcher, Turnstone and Grey Plover were all duly logged and 10 Mediterranean Gulls were in the fields. DKC
There was a Black-tailed Godwit in one of the horse paddocks by Ferring Rife - a first for the site I think - not seen by me unfortunately!
I did a 45 min seawatch at Ferring block on 1st from 0830. I logged c.180 Gannets, 25 Kittiwakes, 60 Auks (mostly distant but likely Razorbills) W, 40+ GC Grebes, 2 Red-throated Divers and 55 Red-brested Mergansers on the sea, a single Brent Goose W and a flock of 11 Med Gulls together on the sea off the Gap.
J and S Maskell counted 382 Gannets feeding offshore in the afternoon between Goring and Worthing CH
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