January 24th 2019

GORING GAP : The Snow Bunting was still present and attracting birders and photographers to the gap, again performing well just east of the orange boat and appeared to be spending more time on the beach whilst i was present, on the sea c200 Great- crested Grebes were counted, whilst several Sanderling, Ringed Plover and Dunlin were between the beach and roost fields. There was upto 10 Med Gulls in the area. Checking the plantation, there was at least a dozen Chaffinch present along with 6 Greenfinch and c30 Goldfinch. A Goldcrest was in the middle plantation amongst good number of Great and Blue Tits and smaller number of Long tailed Tits. 2 Jay and a pair of Greater spotted Woodpecker were around too and heading back to the car a Fieldfare flew over and headed north, briefly perched in a nearby tree. The wintering Stonechat was still present in the rough field NB/GDM

Fieldfare - record shot of the bird at the gap - NB

A few Snow Bunting admirers - been a popular bird - NB