January 26th/27th 2019

GORING GAP : Despite the lack of reporting on the national birdnews services, the Snow Bunting was still being enjoyed by visitors in its prolonged stay, a brief visit by myself (27th) produced 4 Mediterranean Gulls and 5 Greater-black-backed Gulls on the fields with Common Gull numbers increasing in the roost field again. A few Sanderling were on the beach whilst Ringed Plover and Dunlin took shelter from the weekend crowds in the roost fields, 8 Skylark were counted too NB

SALVINGTON : Taking part in the RSPB big garden birdwatch, the regular male Blackcap was joined by a female today, can only presume it is the same bird that was seen just before xmas, I am currently spiking apples and pears onto my feeding station tree and the Blackcap loves the bounty and is now seen more regulary although becoming territorial NB

Blackcap - male and female - overwintering in the Salvington area of Worthing - NB