January 2025

January was wet, windy and if you ventured onto the Downs very muddy - all of which has contributed to a slow start to the birding year. In summary the months highlights were:- 

Goring Gap - two different first winter Caspian Gulls were found after strong gales on 5/1 and 24/1 both of which lingered long enough to be enjoyed by others. Nearby Ferring Rife held two Water Rails and a Grey Wagtail for much of the month.

                                                                      Gareth James 5/1
                                                                         Nick Bond 24/1

Numbers of Great Crested Grebes (200+) and Red-throated Divers (c30) offshore from Goring Gap peaking at 200+ and 30+ retrospectively along with a few Red-breasted Mergansers. 

Cissbury Area - It has been exceptional quiet on the downs north of Worthing with the area seemingly devoid of wintering thrushes, with the only notably reports being a Dartford Warbler (4/1) near Sompting Church and three Golden Plover (9/1) on Lambleys Lane after a short cold spell. A mobile Merlin was seen chasing pipits on 4/1. 

Brooklands Lake - two Pochards were present throughout month.