12th September 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Juvenile Brent Goose near the old toll bridge

ANGMERING: This am 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Meadow Pipit over , 6 House Martins, Peregrine, 2 Raven, this pm had Sand Martins west over Downs Way

CISSBURY RING: Spotted Flycatcher and a couple of Redstart this morning, plus Blackcap, quite a few Chiffchaff, Swallows and one of the most wonderful experiences with a Wheatear back near the car park

Wheatear, Redstart and Spotted Flycatcher - Cissbury Ring - (Andy Ashdown)

GORING GAP: this morning Yellow Wagtail x 4, House Martins x500, Swallows x400, Mediterranean Gull x1.

MILL HILL: Red Kite over this morning, 100+ hirundines east included 3 Sand Martin’s otherwise quiet

SALVINGTON: A Red Kite drifted low east over Rogate Road just after 10am,  first here since late spring, a Chiffchaff was tryingbto sing in Durrington rec in the morning sunshine