15th February 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Greenshank, 30 Redshanks, nine Turnstones, eight Oystercatchers, three Dunlin, three Little Grebes, Stonechat, Meadow Pipit and Cetti's Warbler. Steve Gilbert via SOS

BOTOLPHS/COOMBES: RUFF still and three Golden Plovers in field west of River Adur and south of A283. GOOSANDER and Common Sandpiper between cement works and Cuckoo Corner. Nick Oliver

GORING GAP: 44 Dark-bellied Brent Geese in fields. Clive Hope/Ralph Simpson. Also 8 adult Mediterranean Gulls, 5 Lesser-black Backed Gull, 18 Great-black backed Gulls, 225 Dunlin. Garry Messenbird

Brent Geese (Ralph Simpson)


David Campbell

SHOREHAM SAILING CLUB: Fem/1w.male BLACK REDSTART still this morning. Richard Fairbank via SOS

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Eight Teal, two Redshanks, Dunlin and a Little Egret. Steve Gilbert via SOS