ADUR ESTUARY: Greenshank still, 35 Teal, Curlew, seven Dunlin, two Snipe, Little Grebe, a Buzzard, 120 Lapwings, eight Redshanks, seven Oystercatchers, 350 Common Gulls, a Kestrel and a Stonechat (BirdTrack).
FERRING RIFE: 14 Mallards, nine Moorhens, five Skylarks and two Stonechats (BirdTrack).
GORING GAP: Six Ringed Plovers, 32 Dunlin, two Mediterranean Gulls, 700 Common Gulls, a Kestrel and six Skylarks (BirdTrack). Also eight Red-breasted Mergansers and a Red-throated Diver (DKC).
SHOREHAM HARBOUR: Four Purple Sandpipers and Rock Pipit still. Gannet and Lesser Black-backed Gull too (BirdTrack).