CISSBURY RING: After my failed attempt yesterday, I returned to Cissbury Ring in somewhat calmer conditions to search for Ring Ouzels, and I certainly found some. I encountered a few small flocks, though none settled for very long - around 20 birds in all, some giving that delightful burbling call. Not a touch on some recent counts elsewhere, but I was equally pleased to count 50 Song Thrushes, mostly actively migrating overhead. There were also two Mistle Thrushes again around the yews, and a single Redwing over. Three Golden Plovers and a Siskin also passed overhead, along with 34 Skylarks, four Reed Buntings, a House Martin, eight Swallows, 65 Meadow Pipits, 33 Linnets and 54 Chaffinches. A Firecrest, 15 Goldcrests, 18 Chiffchaffs, nine Blackcaps and five Stonechats were on the ground. Other birds included three Yellowhammers, two Bullfinches, a Treecreeper, a Nuthatch, two Green Woodpeckers, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Kestrel and 30 Long-tailed Tits (DKC). Other sightings included a Snipe overhead and a Brambling overhead, two Ravens, around seven Mistle Thrushes, another Siskin and boosted counts of 30 Chiffchaffs, 10 Blackcaps
GORING GAP: I concentrated my time covering the southern end of the gap, and was rewarded with 2 Common Redstarts that were feeding along the edge of the eastern field, 1 was a nice male bird, 2 Stonechat were nearby in the rough field. 6 Skylarks were fairly active and there aas a c50 Meadow Pipits in the fields. Other evidence of vis-mig included to groups of Swallows moving through 42 birds in total, 28 Linnet, with another 7 buzzing around the fields, the most bizarre sight was 14 Blue Tits in one flock moving through before taking flight and heading south out to sea! On the beach 14 Oystercatchers, 4 Little Egrets, 8 Turnstone, 2 Sandwich Tern flew west, whilst a single Wheatear was still on the beach. A Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk were the only raptors on offer (NB/GDM)
Common Redstart and Wheatear - Goring Gap (NB)
SALVINGTON: A single Firecrest was seen in my garden this morning in Rogate Road pand again in the afternoon, seemed to roost in nearby trees (NB)
WORTHING PROM: Redwing flew over at 5.30am plus at least six Song Thrushes.