28th April 2018
GORING GAP: Highlights early afternoon included a small arrival of seven Willow Warblers and seven Wheatears, plus a House Martin west. Five Swallows were noted, along with a couple of Whitethroats. 40 Turnstones and four Sanderlings were on the beach, some of both species coming into fine summer plumage. A couple of Great Crested Grebes were on the sea, a Mallard and a Lesser Black-backed Gull flew over. DKC
27th April 2018
GEORGE V AVENUE: A 3-hour and 25-minute seawatch produced a little wader movement two Common Sandpipers, 19 Bar-tailed Godwits, two Grey Plovers, three Whimbrel and six Dunlin. An Arctic Skua and two Great Skuas passed by too, along with 13 Shelducks, two Mediterranean Gulls and a Little Egret. A Yellow Wagtail flew in off the sea and five Wheatears arrived on the beach. NB/DKC/GM/GJ/MP/NO. More on Trektellen here.
FERRING RIFE: A Whinchat was in the paddocks on the northwest side. CH
FERRING RIFE: A Whinchat was in the paddocks on the northwest side. CH
20th, 21st + 22nd April 2018
WORTHING BEACH : Friday 20th April - In 10 minutes I recorded 1 Arctic Skua, 2 adult Med Gulls but little else. Between 12.45 & 13.15 4 Gannets, 2 Common Terns, 4 Swallows and best of all an Osprey drifting westwards RI
CISSBURY/HILL BARN : Saturday 21st April - 10:00am to 1:00pm
CISSBURY/HILL BARN : Saturday 21st April - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Sunny stroll through the golf course and round the ring. Highlights were as follows. 6 Mediterranean gulls wheeling around and calling out and then heading West. Greenfinch's calling out from at least 5 locations which is more I've seen from this bird for a long time perhaps to do with how disease has diminished its numbers.
The following birds also seen.
Blue tit, great tit, long tailed tit, chaffinch, linnet, goldfinch, yellowhammer, blackbird, carrion crow, rook, magpie, jackdaw, great spotted woodpecker, green woodpecker, whitethroat, chiffchaff, blackcap, robin, wren, swallow, herring gull, house sparrow, kestrel, buzzard, pheasant, skylark, stonechat, wood pigeon, meadow pipit.
Butterflies also out in good numbers. Peacock, comma, large and small white, brimstone and speckled wood seen.
As to the flora this to is changing with the weather and it was interesting to see the common dog violet out in profusion replacing the early dog violet which was present when I did this walk 17 March this year. Carpets too of the humble looking but aromatic ground ivy PT
GORING GAP : Saturday 21st April 2018
A short watch from the block (1730-1800) : Whimbrel 7E. Red-breasted Merganser 3E (late?) Sandwich Tern 2E and Gannet one W CH
FERRING RIFE: Sunday 22nd April 2018
6 Whitethroats; one Willow Warbler; 2-3 Chiffchaffs and in the paddocks west of the Country Centre two very smart male Wheatears which by the colour of their underparts I 'd say were Greenland Wheatears CH
19th April 2018
GEORGE V AVENUE-GORING GAP: Today's Trektellen. Highlights moving today included 13 Little Gulls, four Arctic Skuas, a Whimbrel, four Little Terns, a Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 103 Linnets, 140 Common Scoters, three Shelducks, a Fulmar, 80 Sandwich Terns, 32 Common(/'Commic') Terns, three Kittiwakes, ten Mediterranean Gulls, six Dunlin, a Red-throated Diver, 16 Gannets, two Meadow Pipits and two Swallows.
Four Wheatears were at the Gap, 2 Mediterranean Gulls flew over north-west at 2pm. NB/DKC/GDM/MP
Four Wheatears were at the Gap, 2 Mediterranean Gulls flew over north-west at 2pm. NB/DKC/GDM/MP
1 of the 4 Wheatears at Goring Gap - these birds appeared to have features consistent with the Greenland race 'leucorhoa' although sometimes difficult to conclusively identify in the field, these birds were noticeably bigger, brighter birds with a bolder supercillium. For me the bill seems bulkier too, for any that are interested there is a interesting artcle here Greenland Wheatear article . Their migration route is quite astounding too....google Greenland Wheatear to find out more! NB
18th April 2018
Today's Trektellen
BROOKLANDS PARK: The Iceland Gull, presumably the bird we have had visiting Goring was seen and photgraphed by Alan Kitson (details on the Sussex Ornithological Society's recent sightings page)
GEORGE V AVENUE: A seawatch from 06:00-07:15 produced two Little Terns, a Whimbrel, 28 Common Scoters, 11 Mediterranean Gulls, four Black-headed Gulls, a Red-breasted Merganser, a Dark-bellied Brent Goose, three Red-throated Divers, 12 Gannets, 10 Sandwich Terns and two Common Terns. A male Wheatear was on the beach. DKC/NB/MP
GORING GAP: A male Firecrest sang by the sports fields and a female Wheatear was near the pumping station. Four Whimbrel moved overhead, as did a further six Mediterranean Gulls and three Black-headed Gulls, plus a Lesser Black-backed Gull. Five Swallows flew through. Five Buzzards circled to the north, along with a Kestrel. 18 Linnets included 12 moving east and six Meadow Pipits were seen. DKC/GDM
FERRING RIFE: The first Sedge Warbler of the year was near the caravan park. Other sightings included upto 3 Whitethroat, 2 Swallow's, 3 Willow Warbler, a Buzzard, a Kestrel, a Blackcap, two Chiffchaffs and two Skylarks, plus two eastbound Linnets. A pair of Mallard were also observed with 10 ducklings NB/GJ
Small Tortoiseshell - This species seems to do well in the rife and Goring Gap area NB
17th April 2018
GEORGE V AVENUE: Bonxies were the feature of the day with 46 passing by 11:00 (including flocks of seven and five). The supporting cast included nine Arctic Skuas east and a party of six westbound Manx Shearwaters, plus an Arctic Tern feeding offshore for a while. A lone Little Tern went through early on and 88 Sandwich Terns, six Common Terns and 23 'Commics' were recorded. Two Whimbrel flew past and Mediterranean Gulls were still on the move, with 41 birds logged mostly moving east. Later in the watch an adult Little Gull flew the same way. 57 Common Gulls and 18 Black-headed Gulls were also noted. 182 Common Scoters moved through, three Velvets among them, and 70 Dark-bellied Brent Geese were counted. Other species included a Red-breasted Merganser, 28 Red-throated Divers, 15 Fulmars, 72 Gannets, three Dunlin, three Kittiwakes, a Swallow in-off and four Linnets along the beach. DKC/NB/M.Peacock More detail HERE.
BROOKLANDS PARK: A Common Sandpiper was a surprise find on the newly excavated island amongst the roosting gulls. Little else to report here, a singing Chiffchaff and 6 Greater-black backed Gulls and 3 Lesser-black Backed Gulls with the many Herring Gulls. NB
MARINE GARDENS : I spent two hours (07:30- 09:30) on the beach at Marine Gardens this morning in a fresh, rather cool SSW wind. The following is the sum of the birds seen:- JN
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BROOKLANDS PARK: A Common Sandpiper was a surprise find on the newly excavated island amongst the roosting gulls. Little else to report here, a singing Chiffchaff and 6 Greater-black backed Gulls and 3 Lesser-black Backed Gulls with the many Herring Gulls. NB
Common Sandpiper - main lake at Brooklands Park NB
16th April 2018
GORING GAP: Three Bonxies flew east during an early seawatch and 70 Mediterranean Gulls flew mostly east, including a squadron of 34. The biggest surprise, though, was an adult hrota-type Brent Goose which flew west late on. Some light Gannet movement was evident offshore in the morning, with 44 birds noted, as well as a Red-breasted Merganser, 24 Common Scoters, a Fulmar, seven Sandwich Terns, two Common Terns and three Great Crested Grebes. Nine Turnstones were on the beach, along with a Sanderling, two Ringed Plovers and a Grey Plover. Four Swallows flew through the Gap and other passerine migrants included eight Wheatears, five Meadow Pipits, a Willow Warbler, two Pied Wagtails, nine Linnets and three Blackcaps. The Chiffchaffs noted were probably established birds, one observed gathering nesting material. Singles of Peregrine and Sparrowhawk were logged, along with a Mallard and a Moorhen. DKC
FERRING RIFE: A stroll along the Rife added two Mallards, a Pheasant, another Sparrowhawk, three Moorhens, three Chiffchaffs, a Pied/White Wagtail and two Linnets. A couple more Turnstones were on the beach there. DKC
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adult hrota-type Pale-bellied Brent Goose past Goring Gap DKC |
male Wheatear at Goring Gap DKC Greenfinch - Many around Goring Gap today - recovery perhaps?? NB |
15th April 2018
FERRING RIFE: A thorough session this morning produced a Whitethroat and a female Wheatear, as well as two Willow Warblers, a Little Egret, four Chiffchaffs, five Swallows, a Blackcap, two Meadow Pipits, four Linnets, two Pied Wagtails, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, four Mallards, three Grey Herons, a Buzzard, a Goldcrest and five Moorhens. DKC Other reports included a calling Ring Ouzel, plus on Friday a Cuckoo.
GORING GAP later in the rain revealed little other than three Meadow Pipits on a quick whizz around.
MARINE GARDENS : from 0740 to 0920 all flying east.
Red-throated Diver 4 ; Black-throated Diver one; Gannet 13; Fulmar 2; Brent Goose 235; Common Scoter 175; Red-breasted Merganser 4; Bar-tailed Godwit 2; Arctic Skua one; Sandwich Tern 19; Commic Tern 8; Little Tern 5. Also 2 GC Grebes on the sea CH
GORING GAP later in the rain revealed little other than three Meadow Pipits on a quick whizz around.
MARINE GARDENS : from 0740 to 0920 all flying east.
Red-throated Diver 4 ; Black-throated Diver one; Gannet 13; Fulmar 2; Brent Goose 235; Common Scoter 175; Red-breasted Merganser 4; Bar-tailed Godwit 2; Arctic Skua one; Sandwich Tern 19; Commic Tern 8; Little Tern 5. Also 2 GC Grebes on the sea CH
14th April 2018
GORING GAP: A brief late afternoon visit produced only a Blackcap, a Chiffchaff, a Meadow Pipit and a Linnet of any real note. DKC
13th April 2018
Cissbury Ring
There was various reports of anything upto 8 Ring Ouzels present on the north west slopes, increasing from the original 2 found by Jamie Wilkinson. The birds were easilly spooked but on the whole good scope views were to be had with patience (various sources)
There was various reports of anything upto 8 Ring Ouzels present on the north west slopes, increasing from the original 2 found by Jamie Wilkinson. The birds were easilly spooked but on the whole good scope views were to be had with patience (various sources)
Ring Ouzel - Cissbury Ring - AA
Goring Gap
A complete circuit covered again, yet still little around. 2-3 Wheatears were around the north fields, a Firecrest was again at the northern edge and many Blackcaps were seen and in song as were Chiffchaffs. A Buzzard also drifted over. Small Tortioseshell, Peacock and Red Admiral were on the wing in the brief periods of sunshine NB
Ferring Rife
A Whitethroat was a first for the year for me, but again, on the whole quiet with a Sparrowhawk, Blackcap, singing Chiffchaff, female Pheasant and Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers around NB
Green Woodpecker - Ferring Rife - NB
12th April 2018
FERRING RIFE: A casual session revealed a Reed Bunting, two Mallards, a Grey Heron, two Moorhens, two Skylarks, a Chiffchaff, two Blackcaps, a Meadow Pipit and five Linnets among the birds logged. DKC
11th April 2018
Goring Gap
A full circuit of the gap produced very little. Appears to have been a clear-out of yesterdays goodies as there was no sign of yesterdays Ring Ouzel. The walk was worthwhile to find a couple of Firecrest's at the northern end of the gap. 2 male Blackcaps were seen and several singing Chiffchaffs were heard along the route. As the temperature warmed up 2 Common Buzzards made their way over the gap upsetting the local gulls then a Red Kite drifted in from the west slowly making its way east. A Yellow Wagtail was also heard/seen heading north. 3 Jays were also seen NB/GM
A full circuit of the gap produced very little. Appears to have been a clear-out of yesterdays goodies as there was no sign of yesterdays Ring Ouzel. The walk was worthwhile to find a couple of Firecrest's at the northern end of the gap. 2 male Blackcaps were seen and several singing Chiffchaffs were heard along the route. As the temperature warmed up 2 Common Buzzards made their way over the gap upsetting the local gulls then a Red Kite drifted in from the west slowly making its way east. A Yellow Wagtail was also heard/seen heading north. 3 Jays were also seen NB/GM
Jay - 1 of 3 seen today - NB
Red Kite - Goring Gap - NB
10th April 2018
Goring Gap
Morning murky conditions seemed to have dropped some migrants into the area and the areas first Lesser Whitethroat was found by NB at the pumping station and proved almost impossible to grab a record shot worthy of publishing but looking at the pics the bird appeared to be ringed ! 3 Wheatears were in the surrounding fields whilst a couple of Chiffchaff were on the east side, including a singing bird in the middle plantation. Meadow Pipits were trickling in overhead. 2 Song Thrush were also on the east side by middle plantation
The bird of the day goes to a splendid Ring Ouzel which was found mid-day by GM in fields to the east of Sea Lane opposite Sea Lane gardens. The bird performed well despite being pushed around a fair bit by dog walkers and a Song Thrush and 2 Redwings NB/GM
Worthing Sea-watch - George V
A Tree Pipit was a new arrival in off, 30 Red-mergansers on the sea and 10 Sandwich Tern east GM
Morning murky conditions seemed to have dropped some migrants into the area and the areas first Lesser Whitethroat was found by NB at the pumping station and proved almost impossible to grab a record shot worthy of publishing but looking at the pics the bird appeared to be ringed ! 3 Wheatears were in the surrounding fields whilst a couple of Chiffchaff were on the east side, including a singing bird in the middle plantation. Meadow Pipits were trickling in overhead. 2 Song Thrush were also on the east side by middle plantation
The bird of the day goes to a splendid Ring Ouzel which was found mid-day by GM in fields to the east of Sea Lane opposite Sea Lane gardens. The bird performed well despite being pushed around a fair bit by dog walkers and a Song Thrush and 2 Redwings NB/GM
Ring Ouzel - Sea Lane - NB
Wheatear - 1 of at least 3 birds in the area - NB
Lesser Whitethroat - poor record shot but appears to be ringed - NB
Worthing Sea-watch - George V
A Tree Pipit was a new arrival in off, 30 Red-mergansers on the sea and 10 Sandwich Tern east GM
9th April 2018
Worthing Sea-watch
Evening sea-watch in wet conditions in a light east-south-easterly produced very little. Just 8 Great-crested Grebes and 4 Sandwich Terns sums it up really ! NB/GM
GORING GAP: A Little Tern delighted as it spent a while feeding offshore. There seemed to be a small arrival of migrants, four Wheatears dropping in and the bushes holding another Willow Warbler and four Blackcaps. The 2CY Iceland Gull showed at close range in the south-western field. Other birds included eight Red-breasted Mergansers, 32 Turnstones, 50 Sanderlings, eight Sandwich Terns, three Chiffchaffs, two Skylarks, a Goldcrest, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Meadow Pipits and a Linnet. DKC
FERRING RIFE: The highlight was two Willow Warblers, as well as a Grey Heron, four Moorhens, a Sandwich Tern, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four Skylarks, three Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and five Meadow Pipits. DKC
Evening sea-watch in wet conditions in a light east-south-easterly produced very little. Just 8 Great-crested Grebes and 4 Sandwich Terns sums it up really ! NB/GM
GORING GAP: A Little Tern delighted as it spent a while feeding offshore. There seemed to be a small arrival of migrants, four Wheatears dropping in and the bushes holding another Willow Warbler and four Blackcaps. The 2CY Iceland Gull showed at close range in the south-western field. Other birds included eight Red-breasted Mergansers, 32 Turnstones, 50 Sanderlings, eight Sandwich Terns, three Chiffchaffs, two Skylarks, a Goldcrest, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Meadow Pipits and a Linnet. DKC
male Wheatear at Goring Gap |
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2CY Iceland Gull at Goring Gap |
FERRING RIFE: The highlight was two Willow Warblers, as well as a Grey Heron, four Moorhens, a Sandwich Tern, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four Skylarks, three Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and five Meadow Pipits. DKC
8th April 2018
GORING GAP: A short walk around the Gap was rewarded with an unexpected patch tick in the form of a showy male Yellowhammer near the pumphouse. Other bits included three Redwings, two Red-breasted Mergansers, a Pheasant, four Great Crested Grebes, six Turnstones, 98 Sanderlings, seven Sandwich Terns, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, eight Stock Doves, a Green Woodpecker, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Skylarks, four Chiffchaffs, three Blackcaps, seven Meadow Pipits and a Pied Wagtail (not many of these lately).
male Yellowhammer |
Sanderlings |
7th April 2018
A couple of sea-watches took place from George V and Goring Gap so the following reports probably cover duplicate counts.
Goring Gap
Goring Gap
There was a steady passage of Common Scoters over the sea. I counted 287. Also passing were eight Velvet Scoters (in one flock), 16 Shovelers and small numbers of Common Gulls, Commic and Sandwich Terns and Gannets. 93 Sanderlings were on the beach but with only a few Turnstones for company. The only sign of overhead passage was a Yellow Wagtail which flew north. During a heavy shower six Garganey surprised me when they flew west over the beach, passing all too quickly but looking like three pairs. As the tide went out the juvenile Iceland Gull appeared among the Herring Gulls on the beach . A pair of Great Black-backed Gulls were copulating on the beach. I'm not sure if they nest nearby but it looked like this pair want to RS
The Black Redstart was still at the east side but no further side by mid-day, The Iceland Gull was roosting on the northern fields at mid-day with a adult Lesser black-backed Gull and Herring Gulls. A Blackcap was singing from the middle plantation, 2 Stock Dove, 5 Meadow Pipits, 7 Skylark a Chiffchaff, 2 Green Woodpecker and 2 Jackdaws flew east. DKC/NB/GM
Iceland Gull - still around, but for how much longer? here taking a nap! NB
Worthing Sea-watch (George V shelter) - 6.35am-9am
Gannet 28E 7W
Red-breasted Merganser 16E 3W 8OS
Shoveler 9 E
Sandwich Tern 50E
Common Tern 4E
Great crested Grebe 5OS
Common Scoter 146E 1W
Whimbrel 2E
Cormorant 4E 1OS
Black-headed Gull 22E 1W
Common Gull 51E
Leseer black-backed Gull 1E
Red-throated Diver 2E
Diver sp. 1E
Velvet Scoter 8E in one flock following 2 Common Scoter
Fulmar 1E 1W
Razorbill 1E
Greylag Goose 6W
Ferring Rife
Sparrowhawk 1
Lesser black-backed Gull 1
Meadow Pipit 7
Mallard 4
Chiffchaff 3
Linnet 2
Skylark 3
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 2
Moorhen 9
April 6th 2018
Goring Gap
The highlight was a Black Redstart which was found by DS early on and was still performing well at the east side of the gap near the middle plantation. A circuit around the gap in the afternoon was still rather quiet but 3 individual Swallows were observed whizzing through. 4 Blackcaps were around in the surrounding bushes and there was still a few Chiff chaffs around but less than yesterdays NB
The highlight was a Black Redstart which was found by DS early on and was still performing well at the east side of the gap near the middle plantation. A circuit around the gap in the afternoon was still rather quiet but 3 individual Swallows were observed whizzing through. 4 Blackcaps were around in the surrounding bushes and there was still a few Chiff chaffs around but less than yesterdays NB
Black Redstart - Goring Gap - NB
Worthing Sea-watch
Between 0650 and 0900 Clive and I logged a good eastbound passage from the shelter at Marine Gardens, Worthing although our tally involved considerably fewer birds than seen further east at Splash Point. Our totals were:-
Gannet 31E
Fulmar 5W 1E
Common Scoter 928E (shame neither of us could stay another 30 minutes to hit the four figures)
Shoveler 8E
Red B Merganser 6E
Sandwich Tern 81 E
Common Tern 4E
Bt Diver 1E
Rt Diver 1E
Little Gull 1E
Gadwall 4E
Teal 5E
Auk sp 1 E
Brent Goose 9E
Whimbrel 6E
Common Gull 10E
Gannet 31E
Fulmar 5W 1E
Common Scoter 928E (shame neither of us could stay another 30 minutes to hit the four figures)
Shoveler 8E
Red B Merganser 6E
Sandwich Tern 81 E
Common Tern 4E
Bt Diver 1E
Rt Diver 1E
Little Gull 1E
Gadwall 4E
Teal 5E
Auk sp 1 E
Brent Goose 9E
Whimbrel 6E
Common Gull 10E
Swallow 1N
Linnet 1E
In addition to these figures a watch from George V had the same but noted Meadow Pipits in off, Arctic Tern 1E, Red-throated Diver 1E and Little Gull 3E NB/GM
In addition to these figures a watch from George V had the same but noted Meadow Pipits in off, Arctic Tern 1E, Red-throated Diver 1E and Little Gull 3E NB/GM
Very happy to see my first Swallow of the year which flew in over the café area and then circled around over the arable field at the back presumably feeding after its long journey.
Other birds present in the hour and a half I was there were as follows:
Buzzard, Kestrel, Red Kite, Blackbird, Starling, Wood Pigeon, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Green Woodpecker, Robin, Herring Gull, Cormorant, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Canada Goose, Pheasant, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Jay, Carrion Crow, Rook, Magpie, Skylark.
Some flora showing well with cowslip, early dog violet and sweet violet adding to the Spring feel provided by primroses and lesser celandine PT
5th April 2018
Goring Gap
A complete circuit was made this afternoon and we were rewarded with our first 2 Swallow's of the year heading north east over the northern fields. Other migrants included at least 10 Chiff chaffs, a Willow Warbler and 2 Blackcaps including a singing male in the north western corner. 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were in the middle plantation, a Green Woodpecker was around as were 2 Jays. A couple of Meadow Pipits were also seen and good number of Skylark, Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch.
Butterflies were enjoying the April sunshine with at least 6 Small Tortoiseshell and 4 Peacocks seen NB/GM
A complete circuit was made this afternoon and we were rewarded with our first 2 Swallow's of the year heading north east over the northern fields. Other migrants included at least 10 Chiff chaffs, a Willow Warbler and 2 Blackcaps including a singing male in the north western corner. 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were in the middle plantation, a Green Woodpecker was around as were 2 Jays. A couple of Meadow Pipits were also seen and good number of Skylark, Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch.
Butterflies were enjoying the April sunshine with at least 6 Small Tortoiseshell and 4 Peacocks seen NB/GM
3rd April 2018
GORING GAP: Sightings included the regular 2CY Iceland Gull, two Wheatears, three Linnets, five Skylarks, two Meadow Pipits, four Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, two eastbound Jackdaws, 170 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, three Common Scoters, a Fulmar, three Gannets, seven Great Crested Grebes, a Sparrowhawk, a Moorhen, six Oystercatchers, nine Turnstones, 13 Sandwich Terns, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and three Mediterranean Gulls. DKC/NB
2nd April 2018
Worthing Sea-watch
Sea-watching off Worthing can be really productive in the right conditions. Although we never get the numbers that sea-watching sites such as Seaford Head and Selsey Bill get, birds can come through surprisingly close on their migration. Most watches are carried out in the shelters at George V Avenue or the shelter opposite Marine Gardens.
If you conduct any sea-watches please e-mail us your sightings, they will be published on here were possible..thankyou
A couple of sea-watches were done today (6.35-8.50am and 10.38-12.45pm) in rather promising conditions, birds were constantly on the move in-between spells of heavy rain.
By far the highlight was a dark-phased Arctic Skua that headed east just after 8.30 am, the first of the spring for the area. A Avocet flew east, upto 5 Little Gulls including a bird that lingered offshore from mid-day. A summer plumage Black-necked Grebe was also offshore early on drifting slowly east along the tideline. Common Scoter and Sandwich Terns were the high counters, whilst the following below were observed. A Wheatear was on the beach and the odd Meadow Pipit were trickling in off sea. All birds were moving east unless stated NB/GM
Arctic Skua - 1 dark-phased bird @ 8.38am
Brent Goose - 137
Gannet - 47 + 3 west
Common Scoter - 429 + 3 west
Red-breasted Merganser - 28 + 3 west, 7 offshore
Eider - 11 (7 flew in from west an dropped on sea and lingered offshore)
Shelduck - 2 west
Mallard - 2 west
Great-crested Grebe - 23 offshore
Black-necked Grebe - 1 s/p offshore drifted east
Red-throated Diver - 6
Black-throated Diver - 2
Black-headed Gull - 21 west
Little Gull - 5 including one lingering offshore
Sandwich Tern - 212 + 16 west
Common Tern - 3
Sea-watching off Worthing can be really productive in the right conditions. Although we never get the numbers that sea-watching sites such as Seaford Head and Selsey Bill get, birds can come through surprisingly close on their migration. Most watches are carried out in the shelters at George V Avenue or the shelter opposite Marine Gardens.
If you conduct any sea-watches please e-mail us your sightings, they will be published on here were possible..thankyou
A couple of sea-watches were done today (6.35-8.50am and 10.38-12.45pm) in rather promising conditions, birds were constantly on the move in-between spells of heavy rain.
By far the highlight was a dark-phased Arctic Skua that headed east just after 8.30 am, the first of the spring for the area. A Avocet flew east, upto 5 Little Gulls including a bird that lingered offshore from mid-day. A summer plumage Black-necked Grebe was also offshore early on drifting slowly east along the tideline. Common Scoter and Sandwich Terns were the high counters, whilst the following below were observed. A Wheatear was on the beach and the odd Meadow Pipit were trickling in off sea. All birds were moving east unless stated NB/GM
Arctic Skua - 1 dark-phased bird @ 8.38am
Brent Goose - 137
Gannet - 47 + 3 west
Common Scoter - 429 + 3 west
Red-breasted Merganser - 28 + 3 west, 7 offshore
Eider - 11 (7 flew in from west an dropped on sea and lingered offshore)
Shelduck - 2 west
Mallard - 2 west
Great-crested Grebe - 23 offshore
Black-necked Grebe - 1 s/p offshore drifted east
Red-throated Diver - 6
Black-throated Diver - 2
Black-headed Gull - 21 west
Little Gull - 5 including one lingering offshore
Sandwich Tern - 212 + 16 west
Common Tern - 3
1st April 2018
GORING GAP: A Peregrine over the sea and a Firecrest in the Plantation were the highlights, along with a hint of early morning movement involving fly-over Grey Wagtail and Linnet followed by two Grey Herons. On the sea were 65 Great Crested Grebes and 27 Red-breasted Mergansers, while a Shelduck, 24 Brent Geese, two Common Scoters, two Sandwich Terns and eight Gannets were pretty much the sum of the movers. Wader numbers are much diminished now and on the beach at low tide were 53 Sanderlings, nine Oystercatchers, 35 Turnstones, a Dunlin and three Grey Plovers. Two Meadow Pipits and two Skylarks were logged. DKC/I.Jones
FERRING RIFE: Sightings included a Buzzard, a Grey Heron, a Snipe, four Mediterranean Gulls, a Chiffchaff, a Green Woodpecker, four Skylarks, two Jackdaws and 10 distant Rooks. DKC/I.Jones
FERRING RIFE: Sightings included a Buzzard, a Grey Heron, a Snipe, four Mediterranean Gulls, a Chiffchaff, a Green Woodpecker, four Skylarks, two Jackdaws and 10 distant Rooks. DKC/I.Jones
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