May 2024

20th - A single Pomarine Skua was noted east past Marine Gardens, otherwise quiet with c20 Common Scoter. A Corn Bunting was singing at Sompting Brooks and several Red Kite were noted at various locations. Swifts were recorded in Goring, West and East Worthing and Broadwater...all regular haunting grounds.

19th - A Nightjar was found sitting along the road at Lambleys Lane Sompting, a excellent record for the area

Nightjar - Sompting (Mike and Karen Galtry)

18th - A Barn Owl was seen again very early along the Long Furlong.

15th - Belated news filtered through of another local Mega in the form of a male Citrine Wagtail photographed at Widewater. A fantastic record but unfortunately it was a bird that got away as was no further sign in the days after the report! 3 Arctic Skuas were logged offshore which would probably be the end of the spring sea-watching season. Thanks to all those who put the time in and sending their reports in so we can update the blog!

14th - A single Pomarine Skua was seen offshore this morning and a totally of 5 Arctic Skuas and 6 Little Tern were logged through the day.

13th - 2 Barn Owls were seen very early morning along the Long Furlong.

12th - A good variety of species was seen on the move very early doors offshore but nothing in number...small numbers of waders including Whimbrel, Grey Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover and Sanderling passed through. A nice flock of Shelduck moved east as did a single Little Tern and Kittiwake. 2 Arctic Skuas were noted later on. Again the Eider lingered off Marine Gardens. 4 Swifts had a arrived at a regular East Worthing site

11th - A single Pomarine Skua was seen offshore this morning, other birds of note were 4 Avocets east at Widewater, 3 Manx Shearwaters off St  George's, and the Eider was on the sea again off Marine Gardens. A Arctic Skua moved through east in the evening.

10th - A quiet day bird news wise with the sea just producing a Arctic Skua east, local Swifts seem to have arrived with 3 seen over Tarring village, 4 over Downview Road and a single.over Grand Avenue. The headlines belonged to a truly once in a life time Aurora experience......

'Northern Lights' - Cissbury Ring (K.Galtry)

9th - Flat calm seawatch from at Marine Gardens. Very little moving but two mixed wader flocks gave a bit of variety. Total of 66 Whimbrel carrying 1 Grey Plover, 1 Knot, 8 Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Curlew. Also 10 Sanderling 5 Dunlin 1 Great-Northern Diver, 60ish Common Scoter  and 2 dark morph Arctic Skuas. The Great-northern Diver was also seen of Ferring block as was a pod of Bottle-nosed Dolphins. 6 Common Sandpipers feeding off the end of the pier before moving on east.

8th - Goring Gap produced a Whinchat, a Yellow Wagtail, 2 Wheatears and 13 Stock Dove, whilst offshore here highlights included 9 Whimbrel east, a Shag and 5 Bottled-nosed Dolphins which were also seen off Marine Gardens. The Eider was also seen again off here and was off Worthing Pier at lunchtime.

7th - A single Eider (most likely to be the bird that over-wintered in Shoreham Harbour) was lingering offshore from Marine Gardens, only other bird of note here was a Little Tern, 4 Wheatears were around plus good numbers of Swallows arriving. Inland there were a few passerines to be found with 2 Spotted Flycatchers at Highdown, a Hobby, 3 Yellow Wagtails all moved through north, whilst at Lancing Ring another Hobby was recorded aswell as a Wheatear and a Common Redstart. There was a good movement of Red Kites along the south coast today, with 22 recorded over East Preston and smaller numbers noted elsewhere in the region. In the evening a Whimbrel was on the beach at Goring Gap.

6th - Highlights from a sea-watch at Marine Gardens included a Great-northern Diver on the sea, a Hobby on off, 2 Arctic Skuas, 16 Little Terns, 2 Arctic Terns, 82 Common Terns and a Manx Shearwater all east. A Hobby was also noted over Angmering, whilst 16 Whimbrel moved east in the evening off Widewater plus 4 Wheatears here.

5th - The was slightly more fruitful than yesterday's efforts with a Pomarine Skua seen off Marine Gardens, having been earlier off Gilkicker Point and Selsey, it was also seen further east off Ovingdean and Splash Point. A single Arctic Skua had gone through earlier and other variety was on offer with 3 Arctic Terns, small groups of Whimbrel moved through and 2 close Red-throated Divers, with one dropping on the sea and lingering offshore for the duration. Full list here

4th - Another day of promise that failed to deliver....a nice gathering of regulars at Marine Gardens anticipated a decent sea-watch but resorted to counting Cormorants and good banter...we may even have a Cormorant King this spring 😃. Totals here

3rd - A probable Storm Petrel frustratingly flew quickly west at Marine Gardens. Screaming Swifts were over Northcourt Road Worthing hopefully local breeding birds returning.

2nd - A Black Redstart on beach opposite the Worthing Travelodge then flew over town @ 12:50.

1st - A Willow Warbler was the only noteworthy migrant at Cissbury Ring, a Whitethroat and a Blackcap passed through a East Worthing garden where 4 Bizzards also passed west overhead. A Great Skua and a Red- throated Diver were the only birds of note on a evenings sea-watch off Marine Gardens.

April 2024

30th - The attention yet again returned to the sea after yesterday's excitement. The Woodchat Shrike  had moved on unfortunately, but despite promising conditions the sea returns were pretty slim although a Black Tern, a Shag, upto 5 Great Skua were seen and a single Pomarine Skua was seen from the Ferring block mid-morning. 4 Whitethroats and a Reed Warbler were seen at Ferring rife.

29th - The sea was providing some interest in the morning with the first Pomarine Skua seen fairly close as it tracked eastwards from the various watchpoints. A Great Skua and 2 Arctic Skua were recorded and upto 5 Manx Shearwaters were seen off Widewater. A single Little Tern and 12 'Commic' Terns were the best of the rest.
The attention then turned to the land as Ralph Simpson turned up a fantastic find in the form of a Woodchat Shrike just west of Angmering. This proved to be a popular bird and the first recorded in Sussex since 2006, it just fell within the reporting area for our blog too. The bird beacame more distant as the day drew on but on the whole was feeding well and rather settled. 3 Wheatears and 2 Whinchat were in the same area, a White-tailed Eagle was also seen by a couple of observers to the north. 
Ralph recalls his find here "My wife and I went for a walk in the fields west of Angmering this morning. The last area of undeveloped countryside we can easily walk to. No common migrants but I did find this lovely Woodchat Shrike"

Woodchat Shrike and some of the admiring crowd (N.Bond top 2, A.Huttly,  M.Galtry above, R.Simpson below)

28th - 4 Wheatears, 2 Lesser Whitethroats were at Cissbury Ring, whilst Sompting Brooks produced a Sedge Warbler and a Common Swift a increase in Reed Warbler's was also noted here.

27th - Again the sea was the main focus today with highlights including 2 Arctic Skuas, a Black-throated Diver a Velvet Scoter, 3 Avocets,  2 Manx Shearwaters, upto 13 Little Terns, Wheatears, Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail full ebird list here
A Hobby and Great Skua was also seen later on.
In Angmering, a Osprey flew over and a male Common Redstart was seen.

A Wheatear, Brent Geese, Avocet and mixed flock of Whimbrel and Bar-tailed Godwits (N.Bond)

26th - The sea provided plenty of interest again this morning with highlights including a mixed flock.of Common and Arctic Terns, a Great-northern Diver, a Eider, a Arctic and Great Skua all logged off Marine Gardens/Brougham Road/Widewater. 4 Wheatears were seen just west of Marine Gardens and good numbers of Swalllows were logged migrating north. The sea was much quieter in the evening with just a single Arctic Skua flying east and small numbers of Sandwich Terns and Whimbrel.

25th - A nice flock of 7 Velvet Scoter were seen moving eastwards offshore from Marine Gardens which were consequently tracked at various locations further east. A Great Skua and 5 Little Tern also noted offshore from here. At Lychpole Hill several migrants were found including a Grasshopper Warbler others included Whitehroat 8, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 6, Willow Warbler 1, Sedge Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 8, Swallow 8. Willow Warblers were also present at Princess Avenue and Cissbury where a Stoat was also seen.

24th - A singing Lesser Whitethroat was at Patching Hill and a pair of Egyptian Geese were at Patching Pond. A Reed and Willow Warbler were at Ferring Country Centre with a Small Copper and Green-veined White butterfly noted here.

Small Copper - Ferring (N.Bond)

23rd - A Arctic Skua and a Great Skua recorded moving east offshore. 10 Swallows were seen migrating in offshore and 35 Oystercatchers were on the beach at Goring Gap on the low tide.

22nd - The sea provided some interest today with the first hint of wader passage with Whimbrel, Curlew and Bar-tailed Godwits all noted. A summer plumage Slavonian Grebe was seen offshore at Goring Gap in the evening where 2 singing Willow Warblers and a Wheatear were also recorded.

21st - A bit more variety today with a male Whinchat in the paddocks at Ferring Country Centre, the 'albino' Starling was reported too. Small numbers of Whimbrel were seen migrating odd Worthing Pier and Marine Gardens, 30 Swallows were seen heading in. 2 Wheatears were by Goring beach huts and a Hobby in over Lancing Sailing Club. 10 Wheatears and 3 Willow Warblers along the beach from Widewater. 

Wheatear - Worthing beach ((D.Kay)

19th - A ringtail Hen Harrier wS seen at Highdown Hill, 3 Wheatears were also noted here.  33 Wheatears on the Downs this morning, 16+ in a bare (but not flattened) field east of Findon Gallops, 14 in field with emerging crop west of Steep down and 3 others. 2 Common Sandpipers were at Patching Pond and Hares were observed on the downs above Sompting.

17th - Not surprisingly given NW winds sea has been dead last two mornings. A few Gannets ( c20 both days) starting to appear now and Mediterranean Gull (26w)seen Common Scoter (8e,3w) the best today . Still no waders!. 3 Wheatears and singing Willow Warbler at Goring and the female Goldeneye is hanging on at Brooklands.

16th - A Swallow flew over East Worthing station as did 6 Linnets, a Egyptian Goose was at Patching Pond.

15th - A distant Great Skua was seen off Widewater.

14th - A Velvet Scoter, a Great Skua and a distant Manx Shearwater all flew west off Marine Gardens other highlights included  a Black-throated Diver offshore and a Egyptian Goose and 3 Swllows in off , a scattering of Wheatears along various coastal locations, with 12 at Highdown and a further 13 at Ferring Country Centre paddocks. 3 Common Sandpipers were at Patching Pond with a singing Lesser and Common Whitethroat nearby. Another Common Sandpiper was at Widewater.

13th - Singing Reed and Willow Warblers heard in Brooklands Park, along with 4 Cettis Warblers and the female Goldeneye hanging around still. A Peregrine flew south over Adur Avenue. A Lesser Whitethroat singing in Sompting whilst the sea was dead again, just a Black-throated Diver and a Common Tern of note.

12th - 3 Wheatears on the beach opposite George V Avenue, today saw a good arrival of Whitethroats with birds in Sompting and Stump bottom. The sea was quiet again with just 7 Brent Geese and a few Scoter noted. 13 Mute Swans flew over Brooklands. The first Swift of the year was reported over Worthing seafront.

11th - A Osprey drifted over East Worthing station upsetting the local Gull population and a Firecrest was singing in High Salvington.

10th - A Little-ringed Plover flew west over Goring Gap beach (only the 2nd site record), the female Goldeneye still at Brooklands, good numbers of Chiffchaff and Blackcap were at Highdown

Blackcap and Chiffchaff - Highdown (N.Bond)

9th - A Common Redstart and 2 Chiffchaffs were reported from Cissbury Ring.

8th - Highlights of todays seawatch from Marine Gardens 06:30-11:00. 170 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 Great Skua, 3 Black-throated Diver, 4 Red-throated Diver and a frustratingly brief  Little Gull that  vanished into troughs. Only 16 Brent Geese, 60 Common Scoter and a handful of Sandwich Terns in light SSE winds. 13 Whimbrel were also seen flying east from East Worthing. A singing Whitethroat was on the east side of Goring Gap, whilst at Cissbury, highlights included 2 Wheatear, 14 Yellowhammers and singing Willow Warbler

7th - A summer-plumage Black-necked Grebe was offshore from Widewater this evening, 5 Wheatears were at Sompting Brooks and several Swallows and House Martins were over West Street Sompting. 

6th - A bit of interest recorded on sea-watches with 2 Arctic, 1 Great Skua, 2 Whimbrel and 42 Sandwich Terns a Common Tern of note. 150 plus Mediterranean Gulls passed east in a 45 minute period mid-morning.

5th -  4 Whimbrels and a Bonxie(Great Skua) were recorded going west at Goring Gap where 3 Wheatear were seen heading north, Swallows were recorded in Angmering, Highdown Hill and Sompting Village where both Sand and House Martins were seen.  5 Yellowhammers, 7 Willow Warblers and a Firecrest were noted at Highdown Hill.

4th - Willow Warbler was singing this evening at Cissbury Fields near Shephards Mead
2nd - A Wheatear was on the beach at the end of Grand Avenue.

1st - 2 Egyptian Geese and a Grey Wagtail were present at Patching Pond, whilst a seawatch from Marine Gardens produced the following
0730-1130hrs Brent Geese 74E, Common Scoter 64E 3W, Wigeon 6E Curlew 1W, Sandwich Tern 5 E, Mediterranean Gull 4E, Gannet 4E, Bonxie 1 from W then lost on sea, Red-throated Diver 8 E, Black-throated Diver 1E, Diver sp 4, Kittiwake 1E, Bottlenose Dolphin 6+, Grey Seal 1. A singing Sedge Warbler was at the southern end of Brooklands Park where the female Goldeneye made it into April. 4 Cetti's Warblers were heard around the park

March 2024

31st - A better sea-watch today with over 500 Common Scoters recorded off Marine Gardens and a good supporting cast including 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 2 Greylag Geese and double figures of Sandwich Tern. A Peregrine Falcon gave a nice fly by. 3 Wheatears were on the beach off Brougham Road, with 3 Swallows over and a Shag was seen seen here too on the basket gantry offshore with Cormorants. The female Goldeneye was still at Brooklands and 5 Red Kites were together over Lancing Ring. All full log from Marine Gardens can be found here :

Common Scoter - big numbers moving offshore today (N.Bond)

30th - A quiet sea-watch early doors produced 2 Sandwich Terns and 28 Common Scoter of Marine Gardens, a Swallow was over Goring Gap and 2 distant Spoonbills were also observed offshore here at 14.25 hrs

Corn Buntings - many reported singing up on the downs today (D.Kay)

29th - Brooklands Park, the female Goldeneye remains and 2 Cettis Warbler and a Kestrel there

28th - Female Goldeneye still at Brooklands.

25th/26th - A summary of seawatching highlights by N.Oliver.

Steady passage of Brent Geese on both days (275 and 115), Common Scoter (33, 270) and trickle of Sandwich Terns (10,13). Highlight on 25th was Great Skua which flew directly towards us and dropped into to bathe briefly on tide line, before heading back west. Also three Kittiwakes were our first of year. Today (26th) a pod of at least 6-7 Bottle-nosed Dolphins including a youngster  put on a superb display including several full breaches. They were watched for 20 minutes hunting of Marine Gardens before heading east and managed to show at least one member of public them through scopes.  The female Goldeneye remains at Brooklands Park.

24th - A Willow Warbler was singing in Sompting just west of Sompting Church. 17 Adders recorded at Cissbury Ring.

23rd - The female Goldeneye still at Brooklands Park, at least 5 Adders reported from the west side of Cissbury Ring.

Adder - Cissbury Ring (N.Oliver)

22nd - Another good arrival of Wheatears to the area, a Black Redstart was found on the beach opposite Brooklands Park where at least 10 Wheatear were feeding up. The female Goldeneye was still in Brooklands Park.

21st - A good arrival of Wheatears along Worthing beaches today, a Firecrest was singing in Durrington cemetery.

Wheatear (D.Kay)

20th - A Wheatear on the beach opposite Heene Road, 2 Swallows over Marine Gardens were the first for spring, sea-watching very slow still with just 2 Shoveler, 7 Brent Geese and 17 Common Scoter noted. At Patching Hill an impressive flock of 42 Corn Buntings. In the woods nearby, 3 Firecrests, 3 Chiffchaff and a Blackcap, all in song. 2 Buzzards and 2 Red Kite west over Durrington. Brimstone butterflies were out in force enjoying the spring sunshine. At Brooklands the female Goldeneye was still present, a Buzzard over the park and at least 3 Chiffchaffs. At Goring Gap, a Rose-ringed Parakeet was in the northern end of the plantation, 2 Wheatears by the pumping station.

19th - Single Wheatears were reported at Splash Point, Ferring country centre and at Worthing sailing club. 2 Green Woodpeckers also at FCC 

18th - 3 Wheatears were on the beach at Splash Point, Worthing (opposite the Crabshack) and a Cetti's Warbler in Sompting

Wheatear (N.Bond) and Cetti's Warbler (M.Galtry)

17th - 3 Greylag Geese east Iver Offington Avenue was a very un-expected sightings, whilst a singing Blackcap was in Angmering and a Chiffchaff which presumably had just arrived was actively feeding and calling in East Worthing. 3 Adders were at the southern end of Cissbury Ring

16th - Another spring arrival was a Sandwich Tern observed off Marine Gardens, where a c320 Brent Geese moved east and good numbers of Red-breasted Mergansers and Great-crested Grebes on the sea. A Bottle-nosed Dolphin was seen briefly. The female Goldeneye is hanging on at Brooklands Park, where 3 singing Cetti's Warblers and a Reed Bunting were around.

14th - 3 Wheatears were first for the spring at Shoreham Fort and beach, the wintering Eider was in the harbour and 1 Purple Sandpiper still around. 

13th - A night of Redwings migrating followed by a morning of Brent Geese migrating off our shores with c1,400 recorded moving through from Marine Gardens, the largest flock being a c180 which out-numbered Saturdays count alone! A fantastic spectacle as was a flock of 64 Mediterranean Gulls moving east. 6 Mediterranean Gulls were on the fields at Goring Gap and the female Goldeneye still at Brooklands Park.

Brent Geese moving eastwards off Marine Gardens (N.Bond) and Mediterranean Gulls - Goring Gap (R.Allan) Ringed individuals in breeding plumage

12th - 5 Ringed Plovers were on the roost field at Goring Gap, a Pheasant was crossing a road nearby. A large Redwing movement could be heard through the night by several observers.

11th - Goring Gap 0650-0945: Brent Goose 63W c50E, Shelduck 7W, Black-tailed Godwit 1W, Meadow Pipit 23N, Reed Bunting 1W. 32 Red- breasted Mergansers, 13 Great-crested Grebes and 1 Mallard on sea. 5 Mediterranean Gulls. 3 Chiffchaffs including 1 in off (R.Simpson)

Great-crested Grebe - Worthing - some were quite close offshore today (N.Bond)

10th - Nocturnal movement of Redwing and Fieldfare was heard by J.Grundy over Lancing, interestingly, Dungeness had recorded a large movement overnight aswell of various migrating birds

9th - The sea was fairly productive first thing with good number of Brent Geese and Black-headed Gulls moving east and at least 2 Fulmars offshore from Marine Gardens..full account here A Brimstone butterfly was seen in Sompting

Record shots of Brent Geese, Common Scoter and a Curlew as they flew past (N.Bond)

8th - Only reports came from Goring Gap. Light passage this morning included (flying east) 3 Shelducks, 2 Curlews, 13 Teal, 4 Shovelers, 2 Mallards, 17 Pintails, 16 Wigeon. 7 Grey Plovers were on the beach when I arrived. A handful of Meadow Pipits flew in overhead (R.Simpson). 

Peacock - (Emma Cameron)

7th - The first Common Redstart of the year was at Sompting (M.Galtry) and a Goshawk was sighted over Worthing (R.Ives). A few more signs of spring with a Brimstone butterfly in a Ferring garden and a exceptionally early Hummingbird Hawk-moth in East Worthing

6th - A showy Cetti’s Warbler by stream at Brooklands plus another in west side reeds. Goldeneye still and Little Grebes. A singing Chiffchaff at Widewater. 

Black-headed Gull and Cetti's Warbler - Brooklands (R.Allan)

4th - The Goldeneye still remains at Brooklands, 2 Teal and 2 Chiffchaff also reported here. Upto 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls remain at Goring Gap.

3rd - A major improvement in the weather with spring finally in the air, 2 Red Kites moved purposely North East over East Worthing were a pair of Sparrowhawks were also displaying overhead here. A Blackcap was also seen in the same East Worthing garden. A Firecrest was near Downs Barn Sompting and 2 Velvet Scoter were reported offshore from Ferring.

2nd - 6 Egyptian Geese flying west over Sompting Church was a good local record, the female Goldeneye was showing really well in the afternoon from.the concrete steps in Brooklands Park, a pair of Teal and 4 Little Grebes were also around. On the beach were 6 Turnstones, 2 Ringed Plover and a Dunlin, whilst offshore good numbers of Common Gulls were patrolling the beach

Goldeneye and Teal - Brooklands (N.Bond)

1st - Grim conditions again today but this produced some decent Gull numbers at Goring Gap with a influx of Lesser Black-backed Gulls with at least 12 birds present along with 20 plus Great Black-backed Gulls, a 2nd cy Yellow-legged Gull hanging around the south western roost field

Yellow-legged Gull - Goring Gap (N.Bond)

February 2024

29th - A singing Firecrest was singing at Durrington Hill (R.Ives)

28th - A Red-necked Grebe was seen on the sea this morning off Goring Gap (R.Simpson) before drifting out to sea, good numbers of Red-breasted Mergansers and Great-crested Grebes and c10 Red-throated Divers were also noted offshore. A small movement of Brent Geese was recorded too with c145 moving east through the morning. A adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and upto 8 Mediterranean Gulls were in the roost fields

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Goring Gap (N.Bond)

26th - Huge numbers of Common Gulls gathered on the fields at Goring Gap, a conservative estimate of 800 birds, just 4 Mediterranean Gulls were in the area, much the same at Brooklands Park with the Goldeneye still present, 5 Little Grebes, a calling Cetti's Warbler and a Goldcrest by the water treatment works 

Little Grebe - Brooklands Park (R.Allan)

24th - The female Goldeneye still showing well at Brooklands Park, with 4 Little Grebes, 2 Cetti's Warbler and a Reed Bunting

Goldeneye - Brooklands Park

23rd - The female Goldeneye again at Brooklands Park today, a female Blackcap in a West Worthing garden

Blackcap - West Worthing (Emma Cameron)

22nd - A single Shelduck flew west over Angmering village a good garden record for Ralph Simpson!

21st - The wet weather brought a return of some feeding waders on the roost fields at Goring Gap with 25 Turnstones joined by 10 Dunlins, Gulls included 2 Mediterranean Gulls and 20 Great Black-backed Gulls.

Dunlin - Goring Gap 

20th - The female Goldeneye still present at Brooklands Park along with a Chiffchaff, 4 Mediterranean Gulls and Cetti's Warbler. Several Mediterranean Gulls and a Lesser Black-backed Gull were at Goring Gap. Several Turnstones still resident on Worthing pier.  

Turnstone - Worthing pier - (Duncan Kay)

16th - A nice flock of 300 plus Common Gulls were on the fields at Goring Gap today, just a single Lesser Black-backed Gull and 10 Mediterranean Gulls, also 3 Stonechat in the area and Skylarks are finding their singing voices. 

15th - A dozen or so Mediterranean Gulls were feeding on the greensward  along with a sizeable flock of Black-headed Gulls including the German ringed Mediterranean Gull from the 13th.

Mediterranean Gull - Goring (N.Bond)

14th - 24 Mediterranean Gulls and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Goring Gap on a very wet and windy day. News and a photo reached us today of a 1st winter Shag sat on Worthing pier recently.

Shag - Worthing Pier (Tracey Morris)
Shag is not very common in this area. I can find records for 121 different days this century from Worthing/Goring beaches.  Usually just one bird but three on three dates and two on 13 days. The monthly distribution of bird days is Jan (15), Feb (11), Mar (4), Apr (14), May (9), Jun (2), Jul (3), Aug (13), Sep (12), Oct (17), Nov(20) and Dec (20). (J.Newnham)

13th - Only reports today were again from Goring Gap, where Mediterranean Gull numbers have built up to just over 40 on the fields including 2 ringed individuals (German and Belgium rung). 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were present in the roost too

Common Gull, Mediterranean and Black-headed Gull both close to breeding plumage and the German ringed Mediterranean Gull (N.Bond)

12th February - Approximately 30 Mediterranean Gulls were at Goring Gap.

11th - Yellowhammers are usually seen around Cissbury Ring, this bird was seen by Duncan Kay

9th - A few interesting reports today, a female Hen Harrier north of Cissbury flew west over Stump Bottom, a Rose-ringed Parakeet flew over Palmerston Avenue, Goring and a single Brent Goose was on the roost fields brieflt at Goring Gap.

8th - A 1st winter Caspian Gull was found in the gull roost at Goring Gap and as per usual did not hang around too long. 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 20 Great Black-backed Gulls were here too. 

Capian Gull - Goring Gap (N.Bond)

7th - 15 Mediterranean Gulls of various ages on the roost fields at Goring Gap mid-morning. The female Goldeneye still around at Brooklands Park lake.

6th - Good number of Common Gulls were commuting between the roost fields and bech at Goring Gap at lunchtime.

5th - A Slavonian Grebe was seen on the sea this morning off Sea Lane Cafe, a good number of Gannet were also recorded going west here. 31 Turnstones, 48 Oystercatchers, 16 Sanderlings and 9 Mediterranean Gulls were at Goring Gap

4th - 4 Mediterranean Gulls were seen with Black-headed Gulls off Sea Lane cafe this morning with c20 Sanderlings also here

Black-headed Gull (left) and Mediterranean Gull (right) - D.Kay

2nd - 3 Stonechats were still at Goring Gap, with at least 40 Sanderling on the shoreline and a few Grey Plover. 2 Mediterranean Gulls were on the fields, a Merlin was also seen at Highdown Hill

Stonechat - Goring Gap - N.Bond

1st - 3 Stonechat remain at Goring Gap around the rough field area where it has emerged a licence application has been placed to sell alcohol on the land! Good sele tin of the usual waders offshore here at low tide with at least 14 Grey Plover being noteworthy.