March - First Wheatear

The first week in March saw a clear arrival of Chiffchaffs with widespread reports of singing birds and the first reports of singing Blackcaps. The sunshine led to increased butterfly reports with Brimstones, Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell all noted and Adders continue to be seen in favoured sunny spots on Cissbury. 

Sunday 2nd March

March is very much a transition month with most birders eagerly awaiting their first migrants of the Spring and Wheatear is top of the WANTED list, especially with a sprinkling of very early arrivals in the south west and warm(ish) southerly winds. Colin Holter didn’t have to wait long finding a stunning Wheatear in stubble fields along Monarch’s Way above Steyning. Also present were two Grey Partridges and a sizeable bunting and finch flock containing  100+Corn Buntings, 40+Skylark, Linnets and Yellowhammers.

On the same day a walk through the Dover, Angmering Estate, produced c15 Redwings, which have been in short supply this winter. Nearby there were two Bramblings amongst a flock of 30+ Chaffinches feeding in stubble fields on the edge of the woods.

Monday 3rd March

A Ring-necked Parakeet flew over Durrington Rec.

Saturday 8th March

                                                 Caspian Gull Brooklands - Richard Fairbanks

A first winter Caspian Gull was found mid morning by Richard Fairbank at Brooklands and a Firecrest was present along the stream the following day.

Sunday 9th March

Two adult White-tailed Eagles were seen over Worthing airspace early afternoon heading east over Sompting and were also seen further east from Bramber and Shoreham.