May 2024

20th - A single Pomarine Skua was noted east past Marine Gardens, otherwise quiet with c20 Common Scoter. A Corn Bunting was singing at Sompting Brooks and several Red Kite were noted at various locations. Swifts were recorded in Goring, West and East Worthing and Broadwater...all regular haunting grounds.

19th - A Nightjar was found sitting along the road at Lambleys Lane Sompting, a excellent record for the area

Nightjar - Sompting (Mike and Karen Galtry)

18th - A Barn Owl was seen again very early along the Long Furlong.

15th - Belated news filtered through of another local Mega in the form of a male Citrine Wagtail photographed at Widewater. A fantastic record but unfortunately it was a bird that got away as was no further sign in the days after the report! 3 Arctic Skuas were logged offshore which would probably be the end of the spring sea-watching season. Thanks to all those who put the time in and sending their reports in so we can update the blog!

14th - A single Pomarine Skua was seen offshore this morning and a totally of 5 Arctic Skuas and 6 Little Tern were logged through the day.

13th - 2 Barn Owls were seen very early morning along the Long Furlong.

12th - A good variety of species was seen on the move very early doors offshore but nothing in number...small numbers of waders including Whimbrel, Grey Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover and Sanderling passed through. A nice flock of Shelduck moved east as did a single Little Tern and Kittiwake. 2 Arctic Skuas were noted later on. Again the Eider lingered off Marine Gardens. 4 Swifts had a arrived at a regular East Worthing site

11th - A single Pomarine Skua was seen offshore this morning, other birds of note were 4 Avocets east at Widewater, 3 Manx Shearwaters off St  George's, and the Eider was on the sea again off Marine Gardens. A Arctic Skua moved through east in the evening.

10th - A quiet day bird news wise with the sea just producing a Arctic Skua east, local Swifts seem to have arrived with 3 seen over Tarring village, 4 over Downview Road and a single.over Grand Avenue. The headlines belonged to a truly once in a life time Aurora experience......

'Northern Lights' - Cissbury Ring (K.Galtry)

9th - Flat calm seawatch from at Marine Gardens. Very little moving but two mixed wader flocks gave a bit of variety. Total of 66 Whimbrel carrying 1 Grey Plover, 1 Knot, 8 Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Curlew. Also 10 Sanderling 5 Dunlin 1 Great-Northern Diver, 60ish Common Scoter  and 2 dark morph Arctic Skuas. The Great-northern Diver was also seen of Ferring block as was a pod of Bottle-nosed Dolphins. 6 Common Sandpipers feeding off the end of the pier before moving on east.

8th - Goring Gap produced a Whinchat, a Yellow Wagtail, 2 Wheatears and 13 Stock Dove, whilst offshore here highlights included 9 Whimbrel east, a Shag and 5 Bottled-nosed Dolphins which were also seen off Marine Gardens. The Eider was also seen again off here and was off Worthing Pier at lunchtime.

7th - A single Eider (most likely to be the bird that over-wintered in Shoreham Harbour) was lingering offshore from Marine Gardens, only other bird of note here was a Little Tern, 4 Wheatears were around plus good numbers of Swallows arriving. Inland there were a few passerines to be found with 2 Spotted Flycatchers at Highdown, a Hobby, 3 Yellow Wagtails all moved through north, whilst at Lancing Ring another Hobby was recorded aswell as a Wheatear and a Common Redstart. There was a good movement of Red Kites along the south coast today, with 22 recorded over East Preston and smaller numbers noted elsewhere in the region. In the evening a Whimbrel was on the beach at Goring Gap.

6th - Highlights from a sea-watch at Marine Gardens included a Great-northern Diver on the sea, a Hobby on off, 2 Arctic Skuas, 16 Little Terns, 2 Arctic Terns, 82 Common Terns and a Manx Shearwater all east. A Hobby was also noted over Angmering, whilst 16 Whimbrel moved east in the evening off Widewater plus 4 Wheatears here.

5th - The was slightly more fruitful than yesterday's efforts with a Pomarine Skua seen off Marine Gardens, having been earlier off Gilkicker Point and Selsey, it was also seen further east off Ovingdean and Splash Point. A single Arctic Skua had gone through earlier and other variety was on offer with 3 Arctic Terns, small groups of Whimbrel moved through and 2 close Red-throated Divers, with one dropping on the sea and lingering offshore for the duration. Full list here

4th - Another day of promise that failed to deliver....a nice gathering of regulars at Marine Gardens anticipated a decent sea-watch but resorted to counting Cormorants and good banter...we may even have a Cormorant King this spring 😃. Totals here

3rd - A probable Storm Petrel frustratingly flew quickly west at Marine Gardens. Screaming Swifts were over Northcourt Road Worthing hopefully local breeding birds returning.

2nd - A Black Redstart on beach opposite the Worthing Travelodge then flew over town @ 12:50.

1st - A Willow Warbler was the only noteworthy migrant at Cissbury Ring, a Whitethroat and a Blackcap passed through a East Worthing garden where 4 Bizzards also passed west overhead. A Great Skua and a Red- throated Diver were the only birds of note on a evenings sea-watch off Marine Gardens.