Black-tailed Godwit was on river by the old toll bridge. Today’s count of Adur estuary wetland birds from the Norfolk Bridge, Shoreham.
Whimbrels 8,
Greenshank 2-3,
Common Sandpiper 6,
Dunlin 4,
Redshank c30,
Lapwing 12 minimum,
Little Egret 13.
BROOKLANDS PARK: adult Yellow-legged Gull on lake early evng
LADYWELL: Ringing - Reed Warblers and Blackcaps were the most numerous species trapped and the first Willow Warblers confirming the emigration of warblers is truly under way. Thirty one of the total were birds hatched this year. The Ladywell Ringing team
STEEP DOWN: A Hobby and 2 Painted Lady butterflies
STEYNING: A QUAIL along Monarchs Way this morning