30th April 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: Two male and a female GADWALL, two Willow Warblers, two Cetti's Warblers, three Reed Warblers and some House Martins and Swallows. Shemi via SOS

8 House Martins, 4 Swallows, 4 Reed Warblers, 1 Cettiā€™s Warbler, 3 Gadwall, 1 Lesser-black Backed Gull, at least 20 Mallard ducklings this afternoon. Richard Ives

FERRING RIFE: Female Redstart and female Wheatear in paddocks at country centre. George Kinnard

WEST WORTHING: Yellow Wagtail flew over Boundary Road. David Campbell

29th April 2021

WIDEWATER LAGOON: 30 Common Scoters, 53 Sandwich Terns, Dunlin, seven Whimbrel, Little Egret, two Mediterranean Gulls and Red-throated Diver flew past 6.30-8.20am. Also Whimbrel on lagoon.

28th April 2021

 ADUR ESTUARY: Two Ringed Plovers, two Oystercatchers, 14+ Whimbrel, two Greenshanks, a Little Egret, two Sand Martins, three Swifts, several Meadow Pipits, a Skylark, two or three Reed Buntings, a Cetti's Warbler, two Reed Warblers and a Whitethroat. Steve Gilbert via SOS

FERRING: Redhead GOOSANDER flew east just offshore. George Kinnard
Goosander (George Kinnard)

GORING GAP: It was good to see a variety of birds moving this morning, including Arctic Skua 1E (at 06:00), Whimbrel 34E, Bar-tailed Godwit 11E, Commic Tern 52E, Little Tern 4E, Mediterranean Gull 5E 2W, Fulmar 1W, Great Skua 1E and two on sea and surprisingly Brent Goose ca.250E, Black-throated Diver 1E, diver sp. 3E together and 1W. The flock of three divers was particularly frustrating as two of them looked distinctly larger than the third and may have been Great Northern.

114 Sandwich Terns also flew east. Normally Sandwich Terns start moving back west mid-morning (presumably these are feeding forays from colonies further west) but I only saw five fly W, so they may really have been on the move.

In addition, birds were arriving off the sea, including 37 Swallows, three House Martins and 10 Yellow Wagtails. Ralph Simpson

Brent Geese 61, Gannet 2, Sandwich Tern 10, Curlew 1, Bar-tailed Godwits 10, Whimbrel 4, Swallow 8 N, Mute Swan 2 on the sea. Richard Ives

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen
SHOREHAM FORT: Two female and a male Wheatear at the Fort around 8am. Two Sandwich Terns were fishing along the shoreline and lots of movement off shore including some Brent Geese. On the river Turnstone, Oystercatcher, a Whimbrel and a Swallow. Istvan Radi via SOS

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Three Common Sandpipers. Offshore this morning six Black Terns, an Arctic Skua, 15 Whimbrel, eight Bar-tailed Godwits, two Mediterranean Gulls, 210 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, c200 Common/Arctic Terns, several Gannets, a Swift and 20 Swallows. Alan Kitson via SOS

27th April 2021

LYONS FARM: Barn Owl near Sainsburys at 4.15pm.

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen

SHOREHAM: Two Whimbrel flew over in evening.

WIDEWATER LAGOON:  22 Whimbrel, three Bar-tailed Godwits, a Grey Plover, 30 Sandwich Terns and 35 Mediterranean Gulls this morning.

26th April 2021

UPPER ADUR: Four or more Wheatears at Anchor Bottom this evening; also several Whitethroats.

GORING GAP: 6 Whimbrel, 4 Gannets, 10 Sanderlings, 10 Oystercatchers, 1 Kittiwake and 2 Great-crested Grebes. Richard Ives

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two Eiders still off west end; also four Mediterranean Gulls, 27 Sandwich Terns, 27 Whimbrel, 35 Bar-tailed Godwits flew east and four Swallows in-off in morning. c107 Whimbrel, c30 Bar-tailed Godwits and a Swift past in evening but no sign of either Eider.

25th April 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: Swift, drake Gadwall and Reed Warblers. Shemi via SOS

GORING GAP: Hardly worth freezing for but 50 Whimbrels, 3 Fulmars, 20 Gannets, 10 Bar-tailed Godwits, 4 Sandwich Terns. Richard Ives

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen

MILL HILL: Lesser Whitethroat.

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Four Common/Arctic Terns, five Swifts and several Bar-tailed Godwits and Whimbrel flew past.

24th April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Four Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit and Dunlin. Chris Corrigan via SOS

CISSBURY RING: Two male Wheatears. Zoe via SOS

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen

WIDEWATER LAGOON: two Manx Shearwaters, seven Little Gulls, 820 Common Scoters, 80 Whimbrel, 15 Bar-tailed Godwits, Greenshank, 24 Arctic Terns, 20 Sanderlings and 88 Sandwich Terns flew past 6am-9am. 9am-10am saw seven Little Terns, a Common Tern, several Whimbrel, two Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Wheatear. Also two Eiders still off west end. Nearly 100 Whimbrel and a few Bar-tailed Godwits flew past 5.55-8.20pm.

23rd April 2021

CISSBURY RING: Whitethroats back in abundance. Also a single Wheatear and a Common Lizard. No Ring Ouzels for me to find today though sadly. Andy Ashdown

Whitethroat (Andy Ashdown)

GORING GAP: 181 Bar-tailed Godwits, 66 Whimbrels and 3 Fulmars I saw pass Goring Gap this morning flying east, most nice and close. Also 3 Bonxies, 52 Sandwich Terns, 1 Kittiwake and 1 Yellow Wagtail east. 2 Swallows and 4 Sand Martins flew in. Ralph Simpson

Bar-tailed Godwits, Whimbrel and Fulmar (Ralph Simpson)

MARINE GARDENS: 6.04am - 10.50 Sea watch produced the following highlights. 5 Bonxies (a conservative count as were seen to drop down on the sea, 2 moved purposely east), 100 Whimbrel, 208 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Little Tern, 3 Common Tern, Yellow Wagtail on beach before heading wast, 2, Swallows in-off, 1 Brent Goose, 4 Mediterranean Gulls, 1 Curlew, 7 Shelduck, 2 Shoveler, Peregrine offshore. Nick Bond, Nick and Claire Oliver, John Newnham, Karen Galtry


EAST WORTHING: additionally to the Marine Gardens count 2 Arctic Skuas flew east very early on. Mike and Karen Galtry

22nd April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Common Tern on east side; also three Whimbrel, 10 Bar-tailed Godwits and two Little Egrets.

CISSBURY RING: Two RING OUZELS by rifle range this afternoon/evening; also 10+ Wheatears. Nick Oliver/Mike Galtry


SHOREHAM: CATTLE EGRET at New Salts Farm; also Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler and two Snipe.

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two EIDERS still on sea, plus redhead GOOSANDER and 24 Whimbrel, 31 Bar-tailed Godwits and 25 Sandwich Terns. Six Whimbrel and six Bar-tailed Godwits on lagoon. Then this evening 40+ Bar-tailed Godwits east.

21st April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Bar-tailed Godwit, 17 Turnstones, nine Oystercatchers, two Shelducks, three Little Egrets, two Grey Herons, Brent Goose, three Whimbrel and two Linnets. Steve Gilbert/Alan Kitson via SOS

THE DOWNS: Two RING OUZELS on pasture near Steyning Roundhill; also 33 Corn Buntings, seven Yellowhammers, 12 Swallows, six Whitethroats and many Skylarks. Colin Holter via SOS

FERRING RIFE: Female Redstart by lagoons, plus Hummingbird Hawkmoth. George Kinnard

GORING GAP on Trektellen.


PATCHING HILL: Male RING OUZEL this morning then flew north. Ralph Simpson

STEEP DOWN: Five Wheatears on fence on north side this afternoon. Nick Oliver

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two EIDERS on sea then drifted west; also eight Whimbrel, two Bar-tailed Godwits, three Shelducks and two Mute Swans. Alan Kitson via SOS. Also 43 Bar-tailed Godwits and nine Whimbrel past, two Sandwich Terns and male Wheatear.

20th April 2021

GORING GAP: 26 Whimbrel, two Mediterranean Gulls, two Sandwich Terns, 30 Sanderlinga, 30 Turnstones, two Gannets and Whitethroat. Richard Ives

MARINE GARDENS on Trektellen

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Seven AVOCETS, two Bar-tailed Godwits, four Whimbrel, Common Scoter, 29 Mediterranean Gulls, 35 Sandwich Terns, six Whimbrel, five Swallows and eight Wheatears

19th April 2021

CISSBURY RING: Seven Wheatears and three Mistle Thrushes on slopes below Rifle Range on SE side of Cissbury+ two Whitethroats. Nick Oliver

FERRING RIFE: 1m and 1f Wheatear in horse paddocks adjacent to Asda, 7 Willow Warbler, 8 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 6 Whitethroat, 1 Cettiā€™s Warbler, 2 Egyptian Geese west over rife and 4 Canada Geese dropped down onto the rife. George Kinnard

FERRING BEACH: Male White Wagtail briefly on beach, 12 Whimbrel east, eight Mediterranean Gulls east, Bar-tailed Godwit and 14 Dark-bellied Brent Geese feeding on low tide. George Kinnard

GORING: - Three Whitethroats, two Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, four Blackcaps. George Kinnard

GORING GAP: Bonxie flew east. Ralph Simpson

Male Whinchat briefly along rough area. Also Little Tern east, six Whimbrel and two Bar-tailed Godwits. Garry Messenbird

KINGSTON GORSEWhite WagtailGeorge Kinnard

WEST WORTHING: Today on Trektellen

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Whimbrel and Redshank. Shemi via SOS

18th April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Two Greenshanks and two Shelducks.

LADYWELL: Cetti's Warbler, two Grey Herons and Red-legged Partridge.

MARINE GARDENS: Today's sightings on Trektellen

MILL HILL: Whitethroat and Yellowhammer.

SHOREHAM: 'A few' Arctic Skuas, Purple Sandpiper and Rock Pipit.

WIDEWATER LAGOON: 6am-9am: Bonxie, 131 Mediterranean Gulls, three Egyptian Geese, 17 Common Scoters, 31 Sandwich Terns, four Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Whimbrel and Red-throated Diver.

17th April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Whimbrel, Shelduck and four Ringed Plovers.

MARINE GARDENS: Three Sand Martins flew in off the sea and three Rooks flew east. David Campbell

WIDEWATER LAGOON: 14 Common Scoters, Whimbrel, 23 Sandwich Terns and 46 Mediterranean Gulls.

16th April 2021

GORING GAP: Three Wheatears and 66 Mediterranean Gulls. Ralph Simpson


4.36-6.21pm Mike Galtry

WEST WORTHING: Buzzard flew east. David Campbell

15th April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Whimbrel. 

CISSBURY RING: BLACK REDSTART on fence below rifle range. Nightingale still in hedge on SW side weest of holm oak below stile at 2.30pm. Nick Oliver. Little Owl on fence; also two Peregrines, Red Kite and Nuthatch. Shemi via SOS

WIDEWATER LAGOON: 32 Mediterranean Gulls.

14th April 2021

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two Wheatears, 10 Whimbrel, 34 Mediterranean Gulls, Sparrowhawk, two Dark-bellied Brent Geese, four diver sp, Grey Plover, 17 Sandwich Terns and 16 Common Scoters.

13th April 2021

CISSBURY RING: Four Wheatears on SE side near rifle range this evening. Nick Oliver

FERRING RIFEThis morning at the Rife my first Common Whitethroat, two Willow Warblers and four Chiffchaffs and two male Reed Buntings at different parts of the Rife. Clive Hope

GORING GAP: Two Wheatears in north fields; also two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew over. Ralph Simpson. 

Wheatear 5, Sandwich Tern 1, Great-crested Grebe 2, Red-breasted Merganser 1, Mediterranean Gulls 5 W, Green Woodpecker 1. Richard Ives

MARINE GARDENS: Whimbrel, 164 Common Scoters, 39 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, five Red-throated Divers, seven Mediterranean Gulls and six Sandwich Terns flew past 8.30-11am. Nick Oliver

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two Wheatears, 23 Mediterranean Gulls, 28 Sandwich Terns, 58 Dark-bellied Brent Geese and 64 Common Scoters 6.30-8.30am. 

12th April 2021

CISSBURY RING: Nightingale singing below west side. Also eight Blackcaps, two Mistle Thrushes, two Red Kites, eight Buzzards, two Sparrowhawks and Kestrel. Nick Oliver

GORING GAP: Four Bonxies harassing Great Black-backed Gulls offshore. Ralph Simpson


11th April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Two Curlew and Greenshank.


10th April 2021

GORING GAP: Early morning, three EIDERS and two Sandwich Terns flew east. Gareth James

MARINE GARDENS: 1st-winter Yellow-legged Gull and Bonxie on sea; also Dark-bellied Brent Goose, Whimbrel, seven Sandwich Terns and 39 Gannets flew past. Swallow in off sea. Four Turnstones on beach. David Campbell

9th April 2021

THE DOWNS: Male Firecrest, four Willow Warblers, Wheatear, two Peregrines, two Mediterranean Gulls, Corn Buntings and Raven. Shemi via SOS

DURRINGTON RECREATION GROUND: Firecrest and Willow Warbler. Nick Bond

GORING BEACH: 4 Bottle-nosed Dolphins moved east at 12.30. Dave Smith

GORING GAP: A Great Skua and a Sandwich Tern seen around mid-morning. Garry Messenbird

MARINE GARDENS: I spent an hour on the beach this morning 0850 and 0950 in a light west wind. Not much going on but I wonder whether there could have been more scoter earlier. A few passerines arriving but most too high or far away to hear any calls above the traffic noise.  All the Mediterranean Gulls were lovely adults. John Newnham

SHOREHAM: Five Wheatears on beach behind Beach Green at 11am.

WIDEWATER LAGOON: 97 Common Scoters, Whimbrel, 20 Sandwich Terns, four Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 20 Gannets, Mediterranean Gulls and three Wheatears.

8th April 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: Wheatear and two Teal. John Feest via SOS. Four Willow Warblers and two Cetti's Warblers. Bernie Forbes via SOS

CISSBURY RING: Three Swallows and two Stonechats. Bernie Forbes via SOS. Peregrine and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Shemi via SOS

GORING GAPFour Wheatears around the Gap this morning but not much else that i saw. At sea (0830-0920) 6 Red-breasted Mergansers, 6 Gannets W and 15 Common Scoter E. Clive Hope

HEENE CEMETERY: Willow Warbler singing. David Campbell 


SHOREHAM HARBOUR: Two Purple Sandpipers and 45 Turnstones. Bernie Forbes via SOS

WIDEWATER LAGOON: BLACK-THROATED DIVER, nine Red-throated Divers, 90 Gannets, 80 Common Scoters, 17 Dark-bellied Brent Geese and 18 Sandwich Terns flew distantly east 7am-9.15am; also two Whimbrel and two Canada Geese flew west.

7th April 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: A OSPREY flew north over the park before drifting off to the west, 4 Teal, 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, 1 Cetti's Warbler. Richard Ives

CISSBURY RING: 15 Yellowhammers, 1 Chiffchaff, 20 Linnets. Richard Ives

THE DOWNS: Male Wheatear, three Stonechats, 70 Corn Buntings, 28 Skylarks and Red-legged Partridge

PATCHING SEWAGE WORKS: YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER, Willow Warbler 2 Blackcaps and c20 Swallows. Colin Holter via SOS/Ralph Simpson/Richard Ives

Yellow-browed Warbler (Ralph Simpson)

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Three Little Egrets and Redshank. John Feest via SOS

6th April 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: First Willow Warbler of the year singing (also seen) at Brooklands. Also Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Cetti's Warbler, few Swallows, few Teal, 2 Sparrowhawk and first Sandwich Tern heading E along the coast. Shemi via SOS


Yellow-browed Warbler (Dorian Mason)

WEST WORTHING: Swallow flew in off sea at Waterwise Gardens. David Campbell

4th April 2021

GORING: Two Fulmars, Red-throated Diver, Gannet, Teal, 16 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 17 Common Scoters, 15 Red-breasted Mergansers, Mediterranean Gull, 13 Sandwich Terns and five Meadow Pipits 8.15-11.15am. Dave Smith and Dorian Mason

PATCHING SEWAGE WORKS: YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER still; also Grey Wagtail and Chiffchaff. Phil Ambler via SOS

SALVINGTON: Two Red Kites flew over Rogate Road. Nick Bond

SHOREHAM: 'A few' Sandwich Terns offshore.

WEST WORTHING: OSPREY flew north past Manor Lea at 3.21pm. David Campbell

3rd April 2021

CISSBURY RING: Two BLACK REDSTARTS in scrub at top of rifle range. Mike Galtry

SHOREHAM: Red Kite flew north over airfield.

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Juvenile GLAUCOUS GULL distantly following fishing boat east. 

2nd April 2021


GORING: Two Common Terns off Sea Lane Cafe early morning. Tim Berry via SOS


WIDEWATER LAGOON: Little Egret and Redshank. Gary M via SOS

1st April 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: Birdlife on the river between the railway and the Toll Bridge this morning was dominated by (mainly) large gulls. Difficult to count accurately due to disturbances, but estimates of 250+ Herring Gulls, 20 Common Gulls, three Great Black-backed Gulls and a single Lesser Black-backed Gull. Also in the area four Oystercatchers, a pair each of Mute Swans and Mallard, and a Little Egret. Several Skylarks singing at the airport. Two Buzzards. A Cetti's Warbler near the railway line alongside the airport road. A smart male Reed Bunting in the top of a bush at New Salts Farm, then a Chiffchaff in the same bush. South of the main road another Little Egret and a few Redshanks. Steve Gilbert via SOS

EAST PRESTON: Released juvenile White-tailed Eagle flew NW at c11.40am. George Kinnard

GORING-BY-SEA: Released juvenile White-tailed Eagle flew west over the flat at 11:27 before gaining height and was lost to view. Seen a few minutes beforehand over West Worthing by DKC. Also singing Willow Warbler in communal gardens. 

White-tailed Eagle over Goring-by-Sea. Gareth James

Red Kite flew SW late morning. John Feest via SOS

HEENE CEMETERY: Siskin and five Linnets flew over. Two Chiffchaffs and two Blackcaps trapped and ringed. David Campbell

SPLASH POINT: Two Wheatears on rocks. Tom

WEST WORTHING: Juvenile White-tailed Eagle (male released on the Isle of Wight in 2020) flew west at 11.24am. Also Buzzard east, Cormorant, Linnet, Peregrine and three Meadow Pipits flew over. David Campbell

WORTHING PIER: c62 Turnstones. John Feest via SOS