ADUR ESTUARY: My regular circuit by bike got off to a good start with a Common Seal swimming north on the rising tide under the Tollbridge. In this vicinity were one Grey Plover, one Curlew, two Oystercatchers and about a dozen Redshanks. Two Buzzards overhead. A Reed Bunting singing near New Salts Farm. South of the main road there were six Teal, a pair of Mallard, one Greenshank and at least 30 Redshanks. The rising water began to make a few Snipe move around but I left well before high tide. Steve Gilbert via SOS
GORING GAP: Four Egyptian Geese flew west, three Kittiwakes feeding offshore, Fulmar east, three Red-throated Divers, six Common Scoters and eight Dark-bellied Brent Geese east. Ralph Simpson
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Also two Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the Gardens. 7.35-9.45am David Campbell |