4th February 2021

BROOKLANDS PARK: The drake POCHARD still and a pair of Teal this afternoon. Nick Bond/Gareth James

   Some highlights from Brooklands this morning: Chiffchaff, flock of 10 ChaffinchesRedwing and Song Thrush. Sea opposite park brought first (for me) this year Fulmarheading W, also 3 Brent Geese going opposite. And lots of activity further out, Razorbills (hundreds), Gannets and Red-throated Divers.

GORING BEACH: 09.00 - 11.00 SW 1 backing SE 2 , rain from 10.45:- Red-throated Diver 9W 2E Gannet 74W, 29E Shag 1 flew in from E to land on sea. Red-breasted Merganser 1W only Mediterranean Gull 2W, 2 with Black-headed Gulls on beach green Kittiwake 6W Razorbill 1W Auk sp. 780W 40E. Dave Smith

GORING GAP: 8.10 - 8.55 37 Red-throated Divers E, 6 on sea, 5 Gannets E, Great-crested Grebes 12 on sea, 47 Oystercatchers amongst the normal waders on beach, 1 Lesser-black backed Gull and 4 Mediterranean Gulls. Nick Bond

LANCING: Female/1st-winter male Black Redstart in garden. Shemi via SOS

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two Shelducks, 3,400 auks, 85 Red-throated Divers, 41 Kittiwakes, 10 Brent Geese, Fulmar, Great Crested Grebes and Kingfisher