4th January 2021

ADUR ESTUARY: 1st-winter CASPIAN GULL south of toll bridge. Richard Fairbank

GORING GAP: A quick visit, late morning yielded three Mediterranean Gulls, 34 Grey Plovers, 24 Ringed Plovers, 153 Dunlin, two Skylarks and two Pied Wagtails. Gareth James

Late afternoon there were three Mediterranean Gulls, two Redshanks, 43 Grey Plovers, 110+ Dunlin, three Ringed Plovers, five Red-breasted Mergansers, a Great Crested Grebe, a Sparrowhawk and two Stonechats. David Campbell

MARINE GARDENS (WORTHING): ICELAND GULL on the beach off Marine Gardens this morning and two GOLDENEYE flew past. John Newnham

SHOREHAM: Excellent views of a large number of Gannets near the harbour mouth and along the coastline to the west. There were quite a lot of birds on the sea, along with others in flight and diving. At least 50 close by but many more in the distance. Several rafts of auks on the sea and some birds in flight, those that were close enough to identify to species level being Razorbills. Also a couple of Great Crested Grebes. Near the base of the western harbour wall a flock of ten Turnstones was feeding busily, oblivious to port staff working a few metres away. A Kingfisher on the rocks below the coastguard building. On the drive home I noted a Stonechat on the fence near New Salts Farm. Steve Gilbert via SOS

SHOREHAM HARBOUR: Purple Sandpiper on wooden jetty and two grey goose sp (probably White-fronted) flew east offshore. Paul James