23rd December 2019

CISSBURY RING: The GREAT GREY SHRIKE was still present today (RBA). Ringing with Val and Pete today saw us catch three Redwings, a few Bullfinches, a retrap Firecrest and a small number of Goldcrests. I finally saw a local Woodcock when we flushed one near one of the nets. Other highlights included a Reed Bunting, a Raven, two Meadow Pipits, a Fieldfare (Pete had a flock of 12 over), a male Tawny Owl hooting first thing, and three Kestrels, including superb views of a hunting pair at the top when we had a brief, unsuccessful search for the Great Grey Shrike after packing up (DKC).

adult male Kestrel at Cissbury Ring (DKC)

adult Redwing at Cissbury Ring (DKC)

GORING GAP: A very brief look at lunchtime on the way home led to me at last connecting with a Red-legged Partridge there. An adult Mediterranean Gull was present among the gulls, mainly Commons, which were present in reasonable numbers, but I didn't have time to count the latter. At least seven Skylarks and six Pied Wagtails were present (DKC). Also a Grey Plover and six Turnstones (BirdTrack).

Red-legged Partridge at Goring Gap (DKC)

NORTH GORING GAP: Grey Heron (BirdTrack).

WIDEWATER LAGOON: Two Red-breasted Mergansers (SOS).

WORTHING: Two Blackcaps (BirdTrack).